What really happened during Anti-TDF meet!!

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OMG Telangana also in tow... no man no...

If it counts at all.. I was registered at TE and TDF both at the same time but never visited TE coz quite some members had an air of supremacy... (please don't ban / fry me) which kinda grossed me. But when I git pissed of TDF I came to TE and got to know the members better and that ppl were down to earth but its just that sometimes they might be busy due to which they may take time to reply. Now TE is kinda my online home... :)

And FE is my pub :bleh:
djmykey said:
OMG Telangana also in tow... no man no...

If it counts at all.. I was registered at TE and TDF both at the same time but never visited TE coz quite some members had an air of supremacy... (please don't ban / fry me) which kinda grossed me. But when I git pissed of TDF I came to TE and got to know the members better and that ppl were down to earth but its just that sometimes they might be busy due to which they may take time to reply. Now TE is kinda my online home... :)

And FE is my pub :bleh:

great... but just a thought occurred to me. May be you did not get too much response because on TE I have seen (or was that in the past) that people rarely made post for the sake of posting. Unlike so many other forums (and now same is happening here), the posts on TE oozed quality.

I mean what's the point if in a thread about crossfire glitches I go and say: hee... heee same thing happened with my friend. Pull out ur cards and put them again. It solved problem for my n00b friend
This surely deserves the "No-bell" prize...lols...
you are a girl if you say so online....lols
only i had to pause to read the dialogues....thae are that long!! but very hilarious and it shows your dedication to this forum.
The Sorcerer said:
Again, native TE people have decreased posting in the forums because of such approach towards this forum and TDF members are bringing the same baggage and mentality that they had in those forums. If this continues, TE will not be the same good ol' forums where had fun and we learnt so much that we would probably never that much in other Indian tech communities.

Its sad to know that some members of this forum have such mentality, you will find morons on every forum (I have found some here) but blaming new users for decrease in posts is not fair. I have been on TE for long and on TDF for even longer time and have known many good people from both forums.

In case of TDF, the members didn't cr@p the forum it was the admin. There is absolutely no support to the forum from the admin side (forum is burdened with bugs), no moderation and hence you can see idiotic posts popping up. The members who have migrated here have done it because of the negligence of forum admin and done it because they deserve a better place like TE which already has their old friends from TDF as members.

Btw, I have not seen your video yet (restricted in office), hope its funny :hap2: .
Sorcy, I have just seen your first video in the OP, and it was brilliant dude, you really do have some talent bro, if you arent already, you should go professional in the multimedia line!

As for the TDF, I dont know what to say, I joined CHIP and TDF at the same time, even though TDF was bigger, I did not like the 'atmosphere', always hung out at the CHIP forums, and thats where I got to know of TE, and never looked back since then.

I accept I came in here only for KMD, but once I joined the forums, the knowledge that was shared by some of the senior members was astounding. The ironical part was, I dint get anything from KMD :-).

I havent been active off late, but I get what Sorcy is implying, I feel there has been decline in the 'quality' of threads, opposed to what I saw when I initially joined. I am not sure whether these 'etiquette's' can be enforced, or just acquired over time. But an effort has to be made, and I guess the Mod's and Admin's are at hand to take care.
Certainly need to watch the video, from replies it does sound pretty humorous, in office hence will have to wait till evening, :(

@ryonsuke, you wont find shoutbox on tech forums is because the idea to have forums is to sorta catalog all the knowledge whereas with a shoutbox many people will simply try to resolve/get their issues resolved instantly which doesnt help a forum in the longer run.....
I joined TDF in year 2004. It was first forum of my life. That time it was very active forum. I remember, the forum had krish theme without any ads. The forum had many active members, MVPs and admins also used to be very active on the forum. I really miss active TDF, and old TDF fellow members.
The Sorcerer said:
Just my way of saying- welcome to forums now please don't make a mess of it like how tdf is right now for everybody's sake! Its the members and his actions/deeds/mutual respect/2 cents which makes the forums great and not vice versa! If you cant, how are your actions different from an uncivilized bunch of primates and how can this community grow better & stronger? You guys moved to a better forum, now change accordingly.

The Sorcerer said:
Nice to see so many people appreciating this video- TDF and TE members combined. I sincerely hope that this will make the tdf members to think of changing their way of posting in forums changes for mutual benefit, atleast as far as TE goes.

The Sorcerer said:
@ Ryunosuke: We all started as n00bs, but..

# do we need to be a pro for stop using redundant punctuation marks and sms lingos all the time despite having an access to qwerty boards?

# Do we need to be pros to learn to lurk around and gather knowledge first?

# Do we need to be pros to follow basic forum etiquette and not use the forums, a tech forum, as a chat room?

Again, native TE people have decreased posting in the forums because of such approach towards this forum and TDF members are bringing the same baggage and mentality that they had in those forums. If this continues, TE will not be the same good ol' forums where had fun and we learnt so much that we would probably never that much in other Indian tech communities.

I actually enjoyed your welcome video very much. :) But then there are a few things which actually deserve a reply.

First of all, from what I'm seeing, there are a few people who are actually trying to create a stereotype against/for the TDF people. Might not be intentionally, but it's totally WRONG.

And yea. The comparison [referring to the first quote] would have certainly been better. I've personally found it in a bad taste, I ignored it when I had read it first time but after reading numerous stereotyping posts, I decided to reply.

You believe that the migration of the TDF people is a the cause of decreasing interest of the older members in TE? /me laughs :lol:

okay, I'm new here, and I don't know whether TDF members are causing chaos over here are not, and if they've caused, can anyone directly highlight/quote them instead of making a stereotype for self satisfaction? That will be better.

@The Sorcerer: When had you joined TDF? May 2008? It was the time that TDF started to decline, so should I give you THE blame of running away of the old members over there?

Thats not how it goes, friend!
^what they are causing is Spam (sometimes the post does not even make sense), check almost all the threads and you would see what I mean.
Roxtin said:
^what they are causing is Spam (sometimes the post does not even make sense), check almost all the threads and you would see what I mean.

Are you sure they are TDF members? huh!

I've gone through the posts of a few members whom I know and they have NOT posted off-topic or spam posts.

If you really want them to improve their posting style, it is always better to name them directly and make them realize that "it is YOU who is causing spam/etc. and you will HAVE to change." instead of making a common stereotype against the ThinkDigit forum members. And heck, even I'm not an active member over there.

Or may be, every random n00b is a TDF member. :/
[mod] any sort of inter-forum flame baiting will be dealt with seriously, and this includes TDF bashing. I am leaving this thread open, in view that it was created just for laughs. Lets not stoop to the level of forum bashing. [/mod]
The Sorcerer said:
@ pinarina: Nice that you liked the video. Out of curiosity, are/were you a dedicated TDF member?

I was a dedicated member, but not now as I rarely have the time to sit on the computer. :)
^^ Good for you. Like I said it clearly in the first post and I quote:

And for all those people sitting around who would love to make into an argument for a practically harmless video- dont!

Dont like it? Report it! Take aces' note as an example. I didn't like one of the posts and I reported it. Mods did the needful, something that te mods/admins will do for the good of the forums.
@pinarina, there was same amount of jokes on TE forum too in that video and the biggest joke in that video is about "Rules Section" here. Take it lightly :)
Hmmm ! Quite an interesting read. Though the video is hilarious, still its not right to measure all TDF members by the same stick. I have been a long time member of TDF before i shifted to other forums (including TE). And as far as i know, TDF forum perished not because of its members, but due to ignorance of the higher authorities. And you cant stereotype all TDF members just because of some newbies creating all the chaos here,like they did at TDF. No reputable TDF member is running havoc here at TE. Now if the so called "noobs" of TDF (who are causing the decline of TE, as mentioned in the thread) start cr@pping some other forum (just like they are doing here), and get tagged as TE Noobs(you approve it or not, but they are members of TE now) , will it be justified ?

I dont intend to start any flame war. So please forgive me if i offended anyone :P.

@Rudra: Thanks for remembering me bro :) !
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