That is why fabric conditioner is mostly a redundant product in India. There is no static cling issue. It never gets dry enough for long enough. Unless you live in Rajasthan.Even i thought of the same. We Indian mostly roam bare foot inside out houses. So i think that we are already grounded most of the times. I have never used an ESD strap and don't know if it's even applicable for our case too.
You are definitely grounded when barefoot on a tile floor. I used to get a little shock from the side of the laptop when it was charging. In this country that is the danger.
Same. When i worked abroad. Touching any door handle after sitting on a chair for a while usually gave you a nice shock. You could also shock people for fun by touching them like shaking hands. In the winter it gets dry. People wear woollens, just rubbing around in a chair on a carpet was enough. Vinyl flooring works tooBut i have never had any static charge discharge related issue. But of course this can become an issue if your entire house is carpet covered and you are also using shoes inside the house.