PC Peripherals What to do with philips?

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Guyz if u remember I had posted about my bad experience with Philips service a couple of weeks back.After that I have got 2 more replacements i.e. this is my fifth replacement. :O
This monitor is better than the the rest but even it has a small purity problem
on the left side(the 4th one had a major problem with purity i.e. colour change from left to right as well as major moire issues at 800x600 which is a very important resolution along with the native 1024x768 and 1152x864).
Right now I have three philips monitors lying with me (two+one in use).So should I just 'grin and bear' with this monitor's problems regarding purity?Even goemetry is not too good since it is an older model(e5) vs. the newer e6 that has a 'digital deflection cpu'.
Consumer court would be the obvious choice but that involves too much hassle considering that I'll be leaving the country in 2 months.
Or should I ask for a 6th replament? :rofl:
All ingenious ideas welcome.
I have till monday to make up my mind.The buggers will come on monday to collect the other two monitors.And on Tuesday I have a major exam :@ .Talk of inconvenience caused.!!!!
well geometry can be adjusted and almost on every crt you have to adjust it to your liking.
And I have never owned E6/E5 but i have C6 and it dosent have any purity problem. So yes ask for replacement. Its your money afterall, why let it go? Or ask for refund if they cant provide you proper replacement.
Never let go your money.
Funky:Is ur monitor also bright at startup?Coz in E6,geometry is very good but their black level is actually grey(I have had two E6s!!!)and with E5 their geometry ain't that good but colour is better.(these are of course little nuances but the monitors I got so far have had a lot other problems:most were old pieces with scratches)Even this one,the 'best of the five' is from April,2004 when the monitor I bought was Oct,2004.So I am losing 6 months of warranty on this one.
Is it also present in the C6,the "bright at start" thingy?Coz I was gonna ask them to give me the C6 for the 2k difference since u rate it even higher than LG Flatron.
(or else I'll just sell the other two and be content with this.Atleast that way I don't lose financially)
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