What type of Covid special leave provisions has been done by your employers?

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In this pandemic, there is no guarantee when and to whom covid might stuck out of nowhere.

So thought about discussing as to what type of special covid specific dedicated leaves has your employer/company provisioned for its employees during this tough times.
This way we can get an idea about which co. has what all policies.
Starting with me, here are the leaves my co. is offering:
Apart from regular and casual leaves, co. has come up with a separate/dedicated quota of covid leaves as follows:

Covid leaves (for +ve employees): 16 days (paid leaves)
Covid care leaves (if anybody in your family is infected and they are dependent on you for dedicated care etc.): 16 days or more (paid leaves) depending on case basis and subject to manager approvals.
Covid travel quarantine leaves: 14 days (paid leaves)

And reimbursement of all vaccination cost of employee's parents, spouse and kids.
This is a good relief by my employer and one of the best policies I have come across in recent times by any cos.

In my vicinity there are so much weird and shocking examples where people haven't stepped out of their homes for months or weeks yet got positive out of nowhere and even people who took vaccines are now positive.
My wife as well came out +ve even after we following 150% strict protocols. So its no surprise such leaves are a boon for anyone in this time as I'm getting ample of time to take care of her and if by chance it hits me, I can avail the other quota of leaves without hampering my monthly pay.
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In my organization, this is what they have done...

  • 7 Days leave for COVID positive employees, these are separate from the main leaves.
  • Reimbursement upto 40k if employee or dependent takes hotel quarantine in hotels with which company has tie up.
  • Reimbursement upto 8k per month for employees / dependents availing food delivery through partners (company's) and if employee is in a place where company partner is not there, they can avail through 3rd party provider too.
  • Advance salary of 1L / 2L depending on employee grade.
  • 10L payment to next of employee if employee dies due to covid.
  • Opening the voluntary insurance and corona kavach again (it was closed a month back as it opens only once a year) so that employee can increase insurance amount and / or avail corona kavach policy.
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The organisation I work for: Nothing is clear, I'm going to India, voluntarily ( leaving my present comparably useless work.don't even care if I get paid or not)
My employer (an IT company)

Covid leaves if employee is positive: 14 days
Covid care leaves in case any family member is covid positive: 7 days
Vaccination leave: 2 days
All are paid leaves

Also reimbursement of all vaccination cost of employee's parents and spouse and kids.
In my company nothing has been said officially but from what we understand a 14 day COVID leave in case one gets infected. Apart from that have announced that they have tied up with some corporate hospitals for beds in case of emergencies and setup a corporate wide medical emergency fund. Regular counselling sessions and a hotline for one-to-one discussions. Apart from this they have setup a large group of Covid volunteers. Contributions are pouring in from offices in other countries to help colleagues. So, the company has created an atmosphere of solidarity within the organization with their regular employee updates and the empathy the top management shows. Overall I would say my company is doing everything in its power to help employees and their families. They do not fail to keep reminding us that family first and only then work. BTW, they are in talks to procure vaccines for all employees (and family?) if the government allows. I am guessing they will buy it abroad if required subject to govt policies.
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