Is it advisable to regularly Hand Wind Automatic Mechanical Movement Watch or Left it alone so it stops - Which one is Good Practice?
Please reply. Thank You.
I had a word with a an awesome guy who makes beautiful watches on same topic, as per him it is advisable to wind your watches atleast once every 15 days. Neglecting an Auto/Mechanical for very long period without winding is a bad idea. Winding watch every day would be a pain if you have more than 5 watches. Also, not all automatic are hand wound so investing in a multi-winder is a good idea if you have large number of Automatics (It won't wind Kinetic though) but alas winders are costlier in India.
Earlier, I use using any Autos as a beater just to keep them wound but a bang on desk and those are back in box. I wear them now when I am on an outing/party or have a meeting and wind them all once a month and put em back in the box