What Would happen If I don't pay Failtel 3 months pending bill?

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^^ I think it may already be in place at some level. A guy in my previous company did not clear the Airtel phone bill when was relocating to a new company and apparently he was blacklisted and after that he was not able to get home loan from any bank.
If telecoms are releasing such kind of data to govt. then it will be available under RTI..

Also for these actions they can sued by customers who have been wrongly charged and labelled as defaulters.

Too much headache for any company to take up. I don't think it will materialize.

Cibil isnt a govt org, its a private company.
^^ I think it may already be in place at some level. A guy in my previous company did not clear the Airtel phone bill when was relocating to a new company and apparently he was blacklisted and after that he was not able to get home loan from any bank.

Can be some other reason. Don't think bank will deny loans just bcoz the mobile bills were not paid.
True.. they will probably realise that a lot of their customers will have such a history with telecom operators and won't turn away their own business.
^^ I think it may already be in place at some level. A guy in my previous company did not clear the Airtel phone bill when was relocating to a new company and apparently he was blacklisted and after that he was not able to get home loan from any bank.

Finally Got rid of Airtel after long period of 5+ years.

BTW i paid all the bills before leaving.

Mods can close this thread !!
When disconnecting ANY service, send an email clearly stating

"Please disconnect account number XXX effective from DATE"

Do NOT fall for any promotional offers unless they are in writing.

Simple guideline when sales and marketing departments are concerned: if it isnt in writing, its a lie.
I don't think defaulting a payment of Rs.1000 or 2000 will affect your rating much especially telecom.

I had an outstanding of Rs.2000 something with Reliance BB, didn't pay, They sent me 2 legal notices & stopped after that. Its not worth for the Co. to go beyond that for a sum like Rs.2k.
Btw. I didn't pay because of their Shitty service & Staff's attitude.
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