What's the best multivitamin?

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Looking for a good multivitamin to meet part of my RDA of vitamins and minerals. Is Revital any good or is there anything better? Also, is it OK if I take 2 different mutivitamins in one day? Like Revital in the morning and Becosule in the afternoon?
I don't think one needs to take multi vitamin tablets twice a day unless he/she is suffering from some serious disease.
Better to go for superactive complete or nutricharge.

why are you thinking of taking vitamin tablets BTW.?
Eat fruits instead. Why eat something made in a lab when there's so much natural nutrition every season.
Thanks for the totally ignoring my question and not contributing anything to the topic.

Unfortunately, he is right. Read this and go for fruits -

Taking Too Many Vitamins? Side Effects of Vitamin Overdosing

Side Effects Of Too Many Vitamins | LIVESTRONG.COM

If you are generally healthy, and just want one for precaution sake, you need to see the contents, each will have a different proportion. You will get ones with zinc and calcium as well. Our family doctor recommends a MAX of once a week, he says go for one every two weeks,
Zinc and Calcium together? I doubt it. Calcium reduces the effects/absorption of zinc.

Try ZeVit. It's a Multi-Vitamin with Zinc. AFAIK if you aren't getting a good amount of veggies and to an extent fruits, you definitely need a multivitamin.
who on earth eats Polar Bear Liver :O :O

anyways.. on the topic.. i take anavite from gaspari.. smells yuck.. but who cares :P
These multivitamins are of no use. They just make you "feel" good, nothing else. Have a proper diet comprising of fruits and vegetables, do a little bit of exercise(if you don't do it already), thats more important and a healthy option also.
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Go with any Branded or your trusted home made Chayvanprash followed by milk you NEVER regret.

If emergency than only go with vitamin tablets & that too if prescribed by Doctor.

Some where I read (don't remember where) but most of vitamin tablets left only 25% in your body & rest 75% come out as wastage.
Why you need additional vitamins, any disease, any disability or any other problems?

If you follow good diet patterns ladden with Green vegetables, fruits, milk and plenty of water I dont think you need any thing additional.

Vitamins are prescribed only if there is some sort of assumed benefit to the patient / person for the condition, for general wel being your mental strength is vital.

If you are not averse to non veg foods, then weekly once a plater of fish will do you more good than all the vitamins together.

For pure vegetarians there is always fruits which is more tasty and more variety.

For calcium and vitamin D there is no substitute like natural sunlight.

I hope you got my point, still if you want to take medicines you can take any good reputed company brand available. Dont go the Amway side or any other MLM side, they charge you premium but dont deliver that much.

If you take overdose of vitamins, excess will be going down the drain via urine and stool, if your urine smells same as medicine and also turns extremely yellow that means your storage of vitamins is full you need to reduce the dose or frequency. and then only take the maintainance dosage.
Well we have very efficient bodies and all this supplement crap is just to leech money.
If omega 3 was so important all the gujjus and jains would have been dead aeons back.
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My colleague here has been having sleepless nights since a week and was like an insomniac! When he tested the blood, came to know that Vit. B12 was deficient below normal by a huge amount. Doctor has thus advised him to take 7 injections in a period of 15 days. Poor chap. He's a veggie as well.

If omega 3 was so important all the gujjus and jains would have been dead aeons back.

Well we have very efficient bodies and all this supplement crap is just to leech money.
If omega 3 was so important all the gujjus and jains would have been dead aeons back.
I'm not asking whether its necessary or not, just want to know whether the benefits of eating fish can be had from omega-3 supplements as well.
basically as said by many , most of our body vitamins can be had from our normal good diet , rich in fruits n green leafy vegtables , fish etc , but still if u feel the need for supplements , try SUPRADYN, ,, its absolute VFM when it comes to multivitamin source and other trace elements that our body requires, take it once daily
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My colleague here has been having sleepless nights since a week and was like an insomniac! When he tested the blood, came to know that Vit. B12 was deficient below normal by a huge amount. Doctor has thus advised him to take 7 injections in a period of 15 days. Poor chap. He's a veggie as well.

Well my father who eats non-veg (and had healthy servings this winter) also had low Vit B12. So did my sister and her son who are also non-veg eaters. Where as my mother who is a life long vegetarian had a normal B12 level.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be due to many reasons and does not depend largely on eating non-veg. Age , disease, weak intestines, etc are main factors.

If you eat a healthy veg diet you do not need to take any supplements or vitamins.
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