What's your perspective on the India's future?

What's your perspective on the India's future? (Votes are anonymous)

  • It's a sinking ship

  • Gradual decline ahead

  • Steady as she goes

  • Bright future on the horizon

  • Golden age incoming

Results are only viewable after voting.
People are becoming lazy by all freebies.
You can also look at it like this - If government gives you free 10kg rice will you care? No because it's not a big deal for you. However all these people who are receiving free grains, for them it is a big deal. You can't sell your free rice and get rich, you can only eat it. I see nothing wrong with supporting people like this. People will not get lazy, people save the money they would have spent on rice and use it to improve their situation, because it's human nature to always want more and more up the ladder. I see free water, electricity in the same way (as long as there is a limit). It's a good way to give financial help without much possibility of abuse. It's one of the least problematic social welfare implementations.
India is on track to grow old before it even becomes middle income country. (read population split like South Korea with income split like Namibia)

Poor people are incentivised to remain poor and make multiple babies.
Knowledge workers are clueless of larger picture and content to spend all income on basics home, school, hospital, vehicle.
Rich people are coerced into supporting govt's madness.
You can also look at it like this - If government gives you free 10kg rice will you care? No because it's not a big deal for you. However all these people who are receiving free grains, for them it is a big deal. You can't sell your free rice and get rich, you can only eat it. I see nothing wrong with supporting people like this. People will not get lazy, people save the money they would have spent on rice and use it to improve their situation, because it's human nature to always want more and more up the ladder. I see free water, electricity in the same way (as long as there is a limit). It's a good way to give financial help without much possibility of abuse. It's one of the least problematic social welfare implementations.
bro people own cars, scooty, bikes are getting all these freebies. freebies should be for older people only.
Was thinking if this question was asked in the 80s, almost all of the answers would have been wrong.

Is there any comparison pre and post liberalisation?

Why do you then foreclose any such developments in the future

Oh and my vote is for bright future ahead. Given the unstoppable growth we will enjoy for the next few decades given our demographics.

Shortly after independence the naysayers were questioning whether this country could even survive as a coherent unit into the future. They thought it would break up into smaller units and be done for.

It seems obvious these days but back then people had their doubts. Most of these commentators were foreign though.

There have been tremendous achievements since independence. We've had a linear growth path. Could have been faster if people with the right ideas were allowed. But we got there eventually.

This country has confounded its naysayers since long and will continue to do so.
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You can also look at it like this - If government gives you free 10kg rice will you care? No because it's not a big deal for you. However all these people who are receiving free grains, for them it is a big deal. You can't sell your free rice and get rich, you can only eat it. I see nothing wrong with supporting people like this. People will not get lazy, people save the money they would have spent on rice and use it to improve their situation, because it's human nature to always want more and more up the ladder. I see free water, electricity in the same way (as long as there is a limit). It's a good way to give financial help without much possibility of abuse. It's one of the least problematic social welfare implementations.
Yes to a certain limit only.
In AP since 2004, free electricity until 200 units, free medical facility until 10 lacs in any hospital corporate or otherwise, fees reimbursement for college students, 15k for mother's, 8k for every girl child, 4k for elderly, 10kgs rice for white ration holders, 4k for widowers, free imbursement for farmers who has agricultural land less than 5 acres. All the above are being provided by Rajashekar Reddy then CM in 2004. From then on all successive govts were giving these.
Now in addition to above in 24 elections campaign,
Free bus for all women, 50k govt jobs via new GOs for the next 5 years. These 2 are extra given by Chandrababu Naidu. Until now only 3 are being implemented because he is saying that before govt left debt of 6 lacs crore and he is asking the help of Modi to give special package to AP for future development.
Chandrababu naidu is responsible for Hitech City and growth of software industry in Hyderabad.
Now he & his son are doing the same with AP focussing heavily on Vizag city to turn it into a IT hub.
1st of all EC should bring new rules like
I'm sorry, but I lost you at EC.
Regardless, can we stop imagining fairytales scenarios?
  • Cast system isn't going away.
  • The reservation system isn't going away
  • Freebies aren't going away.
All of them are as solid line on the stone as corruption. Wait, why nobody say corruption is going away? Because we are not kids anymore.

Stop the OT with fairytales.

My questions to you are,
  1. What's your perspective on the India's future?
  2. How are you personally preparing for that?
Edit: if you think it's all doom and gloom ahead. You choose to tell the others what you are doing about it?
Me personally? I'm not doing much. But I think I should.

Oh and my vote is for bright future ahead. Given the unstoppable growth we will enjoy for the next few decades given our demographics.
You have to explain a bit more about this, mate.

India is on track to grow old before it even becomes middle income country.
Are you talking about the middle income trap? I have to agree with you.
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You have to explain a bit more about this, mate.
Isn't constant growth a good indicator of future prospects?

In the last decade the country has been attracting in excess of $50bn and more annually. This does not make the news but its there. So long as this country continues to offer better returns than elsewhere the FDI will continue. Future projected growth will guarantee it.

Also some points in your opener are incorrect. Take for example what you said about exports. Important no doubt but not as important as it is for export dependent countries like say China.

India has an internal economy meaning 70% of its wealth is internally generated and this has been the case for over half a century now.

But for China this figure is less than half. Without exports the Chinese economy contracts 70% whereas for India it is only 30%. So India is the more resilient of the two
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bro people own cars, scooty, bikes are getting all these freebies. freebies should be for older people only.
Some misuse will be there of course you have to look at the big picture.
The Ration shop dealers are selling Free govt Rice and Empty Rice Bags at Black Market and earning atleast 35-50k per month.
The common people themselves can sell the Free Rice to ration shop dealers at 12 Rupees per Kg.
If you need to consume 10kg rice anyway, which is not unrealistic, why would you sell it. The amount you earn is nowhere near the market value of the grain. No one actually sells their rice to earn 120 Rs. As for the ration shop dealers, you can't blame people for that, it's a government failure. We were talking about people "getting lazy' because they got free rice.
Some misuse will be there of course you have to look at the big picture.
it is total misuse. i rarely see anyone can't even work and afford to eat except poor and ill people. no one should be given free things. there is nothing free in this world. it is the money of taxpayers that is forcefully taken from their pockets.

one can give birth to 4-10 children and then ask for freebies, that is not anyone with mind would accept.
AI will disrupt India's outsourcing-driven economy by automating many white-collar jobs, leading to job displacement and a need for upskilling.

However, we can't be so sure about the future as AI lowers the barrier to entry for tech startups. India has a booming startup ecosystem, and AI can help small businesses scale rapidly.
Sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and education stand to benefit.
Some startups using the same AI could make into Fortune 500 etc.
Hence I do believe we'll have challenges for sure, but we will slowly overcome it. Growth will be slow for a decade or so but then it will again pick up.
it is total misuse. i rarely see anyone can't even work and afford to eat except poor and ill people. no one should be given free things. there is nothing free in this world. it is the money of taxpayers that is forcefully taken from their pockets.
Then you need to see more, I just returned from my father's village, there are still people living in the 20th century there.

And it's not supposed to be for people who literally "can't afford to eat", that would cause malnutrition and starvation and it's a good thing we don't have that anymore. But if your standards are that anyone barely surviving should stop receiving benefits then I have to say you are looking at it from a ideological lens rather than a practical one.
It is true there is nothing free in the world, but it is also true there is nothing truly "yours" either. If you earn good money it is always a function of your place in society. Humans are a social animals and no one can earn money if they are completely isolated. Government spending should always be directed to improve overall well being of society, not just those that are already doing good. If you let free market handle everything there is literally no need for government.
AI is for startups for now in India or elsewhere.
AI is not the only thing that will drive any nation because it wasn't there before.
Like service sector, health sector, education sector, agriculture sector cannot be driven by AI for now as it might take decades to reach full robotic or AI automation.
So India still have the chance to recover just like what above member said.
AI will only disrupt software driven industry and software is not the only industry that is paying us.
China has a edge of about 30-40 years but if we or our govts devise a plan to overcome that edge we can easily move past them.
What we need is innovation. New thinking and strategies laid down by govt bodies and universities so that those who are going to join will think and utilise those opportunities.
As an example our maids son achieved 65% in 12th and he is saying that he won't opt for Bsc Computers or BCA but want to do Bsc Chemistry or Physics.

Since last 5 years DAE is recruiting heavily by posting 5k jobs every year. Likewise take Isro also and Drdo.

India is only country whose 70% population is under 35 years while chinese population is now having more older people than young.

Chinese population has been decreasing drastically for the past 5 years from 1.5 billion to now 1.25 billion while Indian population is increasing at a drastic rate.

Even we will reach what China has reached 5 years ago and that is from 2050 onwards.
From 2050 we also will be decreasing. That means we have another 25 years which will produce more young generation who will spearhead the country.

When our deficit starts in China mostly old people exists as compared to us.
Isn't constant growth a good indicator of future prospects?
It's slowing down, though. It's not even remotely enough to catch up with any developed nation.

In the last decade the country has been attracting in excess of $50bn and more annually. This does not make the news but its there. So long as this country continues to offer better returns than elsewhere the FDI will continue. Future projected growth will guarantee it.
The FDI increase was mostly due to silly after-COVID policies China employed. That heavy inflow of FDI wasn't because India suddenly became the hotspot. It was because China didn't want that money.

Anyway, as you may be aware, China walked back on those silly policies to promote its industries recently.

Result? the net FDI (inflows minus outflows) declined to just $1.18 billion during April-December 2024 from $7.84 billion in the same period in 2023.

The world is watching those numbers, and they don't like the Indian economic outlook. It's why China's share market is up by like 30-40% and India is still falling. The fall in the Indian market has not much to do with Trump or Nasdaq. It was falling before his antiques.

Also some points in your opener are incorrect. Take for example what you said about exports. Important no doubt but not as important as it is for export dependent countries like say China.

India has an internal economy meaning 70% of its wealth is internally generated and this has been the case for over half a century now.

But for China this figure is less than half. Without exports the Chinese economy contracts 70% whereas for India it is only 30%. So India is the more resilient of the two
I don't agree. We are export dependant. More so than China.

India is imports dependant. We can't grow petrol, technology, or dollars here. We simply won't function without our imports. Agree on this point?

Say, your monthly expense is 2L. But, the salary is only 1L. Can you say you aren't concerned about the salary?

China is a net positive economy. Just because an economy is a net positive doesn't mean it must rely on the exports, or it'll flop. China is resourceful, which India can't claim. China has resources for almost everything. If the world collapses tomorrow, it can survive rather thrive on its own just fine.

China is thriving with its exports, no doubt. But India is collapsing in slow motion under its import heavy trade portfolio.

We can only claim India isn't reliant on exports if we stop talking about the newest phones, laptops, cars, and fuel, and go back to using bullock carts. Today, our salary (exports) doesn't cover our expenses (imports).

However, we can't be so sure about the future as AI lowers the barrier to entry for tech startups. India has a booming startup ecosystem, and AI can help small businesses scale rapidly.
AI is for startups for now in India or elsewhere.
1. why do Indians choose to open their AI startups outside India?
2. Why the whatever AI startups India has got are nothing short of scams (eg krutrim)?

Some startups using the same AI could make into Fortune 500 etc.
Sure. I have 0 doubts. But can it happen in India?

India is only country whose 70% population is under 35 years while chinese population is now having more older people than young.

Chinese population has been decreasing drastically for the past 5 years from 1.5 billion to now 1.25 billion while Indian population is increasing at a drastic rate.
In my opinion, like I said in the OP, In a few years, it won't matter who's got a younger population, and what's the birth rate. Machines will take over the blue-collar jobs.
Machines will take over the blue-collar jobs.
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In a media report today it's said that those who use non Indian names in their email ids Vs Indian names are getting more offers from the developed nations because the west is seeing this as another call centre scam or an effort to rip them off.
My opinion is that we brought this upon ourselves, because of the extensive fake call centres located in Bihar, UP, Noida, Punjab and Haryana. Recently many well known youtubers and redditors from US have recorded real time videos of how they have hacked into such fake call centres and spoke with them. In one such incident the CEO of a fake call centre exhibits photos of him with CM of Punjab and with other ministers. His fake call centre was making 10 million dollars every year by duping or deceiving mainly elderly people or women from US by posing as HP, Dell, APC support and making people to pay and afterwards stop answering them. The FBI and Homeland Security and NIA were notified in the above case by giving the evidence of CCTV videos and bank statements of the alleged fake call centre and it's CEO. A day after the youtuber spoke with the CEO all photos and mail IDs and instagram IDs and accounts were deleted by the said fake call centre.
If we give such an impression to developed countries how can we think of criticizing the govt of India.
All the digital arrests and fake call centres are mainly being operated in India and South East asia.
Don't we Indians have a duty to work fairly to create confidence in global community?
1st of all our youth should change not the policies of the govt. Then any policy made can become fruitful after certain period of time.
It should be thank you ChatGPT, Claude, DeepSeek, Gemma, Grok, Gemini.

Cover your bases.

I've been ahead of you all.

Sure. Give them jobs. They'll change.
Not even in US or Europe not all 100% citizens are employed by the govt. There are also homeless there. Compared with them we got independence just 75 years ago and our population is many time bigger than them. And our economy is predominantly dependent on Agriculture. If govt cant provide jobs to 10th pass & 12th pass youth then they can do the same job without scamming westerners. Its in our mindset to make quick buck than to work hard with perseverance. We always see for short cuts instead of following rules and we want our govt to deliver. Who is this govt? It mainly comprises of people like us. If govt babus take risvath to do their jobs and fake call centres scam elderly & rich to make quick buck. So we as a society have to change not with strict govt control because we will any how devise ways to circumvent those rules and again want to make quick money.
Like the Japanese, Europeans, Americans, Chinese & Singaporeans who after getting devastated by World Wars came around after certain period of 30-40 years and built wonders out of dust & rubble. This change happened because of collective participation by all their citizens belonging to various sectors from agriculture to IT.
But we only saw change in salaries in pvt sector for the past 25 years only and that too in IT sector only. But there are many other sectors where people get salaries on par with IT. Eevn in PSUs scientific officers are getting 1.5 lacs to 2.5 lacs per month as salaries. Then there is Pharma Industry, Hotel Industry, Wellness Industry, Tourism Industry, Infrastructure Industry etc. All these industries need people ranging from labourers, workers, clerks, assistants, officers, GMs, Auditors, Doctors, Nurses, Security personnel, CFOs, CEOs.
You are thinking about what is going to happen maybe in 2050's or later not now. We are not employing neither AI nor Robotics in such a scale like the West is doing so we need not worry about losing jobs now or in near future.
Even in Robotic Surgeries, without the surgeons inspection surgery cannot be completed. Even my Bariatric Surgery done in 2017 was Robotic but did any surgeon lost his or their jobs to robots until now. Its almost 8 years since 2017 right. You are seeing AI with fear. Stop fear mongering.

The salaries given by the govts either in Centre or State nowadays comapred with 25 years ago is like comparing 15k per month in 2000's Vs. 30k per month in 2025 in a PSU as beginning salary for a clerk including CHSS, HRA, LCT facilities. Almost same applies to IT sector also I think as 3 year experienced engineer was getting 40k per month with medical benefits in 2011 but in 2025 the same engineer after 14 years of experience is getting 5 lacs per month.
But now PSUs are recruiting at a faster rate than Pvt ones. You still think AI is gonna be the downfall of our country. No, not at all. Maybe there might be layoffs in IT because of AI implementation but this wont happen in any other fireld at all. We need and rely on human pilots even though AI can drive drones. Okay.
In my view, the US covers India's expenses. This was effective because Indian workers provided affordable IT and BPO services
Yes, but India is huge. IT and BPO are a small part. If you mean the US covers a small part of India's expenses, then yes. But if you mean the US covers all of India's expenses, then it is far from true.
Name a single service offered by government that can be rated atleast 4 out of 5. I see 1 or 2 or even 0 in some sector.
VIP security. Top notch, international quality. Always has been. While PMs, CMs have been killed in the past, it was mostly their own fault. The threat analysis, handling of risks to even an MLA, long term management of the VIP security has been exceptionally good given the chaotic risks India presents to VIPs.
really? when you study upto 12th with good marks and suddenly you get to know that 90% is not enough. it was all lie.
Haha, they are making us fight X caste vs Y caste. But think why 90% is not enough. We have given lots of votes and power to many politicians in the past - no one in the last 50 years has created a university that is ranking top 200 in the world according to respectable ranking systems. Any top politician holding power for 5 years could have funded, created and empowered a university, but we don't want that because it doesn't create good memes. We want to fight with other castes for the scraps. We get exactly what we want.

5th largest economy, 7th largest landmass, top population : many top 200 universities in last 50 years is not unreasonable at all. 50 years ago we had enough for our stature at that time, even if they rose to top 200 later. But we don't have anywhere close to enough now. It is the bare minimum we should expect from people we have given power to - including the god tier VIP security I just described.

Every other "solution" we have talked about is fairy tale material. No one has eradicated the caste system in the past. No one has eradicated corruption in India, and corruption exists in many other countries too. But top 200 universities in India has been done in the past. Why not now ?

Once that is done, BAM, lower cut offs. Our brethren from "lower" castes get opportunities, and our brethren from "upper" castes don't feel like being robbed.
Not even in US or Europe not all 100% citizens are employed by the govt.
I didn't say anything about Govt jobs. Not everyone is crazy for Govt jobs. I certainly am not. I deserve better.

Even in Robotic Surgeries, without the surgeons inspection surgery cannot be completed. Even my Bariatric Surgery done in 2017 was Robotic but did any surgeon lost his or their jobs to robots until now. Its almost 8 years since 2017 right. You are seeing AI with fear. Stop fear mongering.
I wasn't talking about surgeons using some sophisticated tools.

article 1, article 2. Some random things I found.

The salaries given by the govts either in Centre or State nowadays comapred with 25 years ago is like comparing 15k per month in 2000's Vs. 30k per month in 2025 in a PSU as beginning salary for a clerk including CHSS, HRA, LCT facilities. Almost same applies to IT sector also I think as 3 year experienced engineer was getting 40k per month with medical benefits in 2011 but in 2025 the same engineer after 14 years of experience is getting 5 lacs per month.
Let's see how crazy the situation is.

  • BE graduate fresher salary in 2010: 25k
  • 25k adjusted for inflation for 2025: 1.50L (considering a realistic 13% inflation rate adjusted for city life + INR depreciation) This is what the fresher salary should be in 2025.
  • But current fresher salary in 2025: 30k
  • Today's 30k adjusted for inflation for 2010?: 5k

Todays, freshers out of engineering colleges have a purchase parity equivalent to a society watchman of 2010.

Figures like these would have anyone sprinting to get a robotic Vasectomy!

Yes, but India is huge. IT and BPO are a small part. If you mean the US covers a small part of India's expenses, then yes. But if you mean the US covers all of India's expenses, then it is far from true.
Take a closer look, and you'll notice that a lot of non-IT businesses seem to be designed with IT professionals in mind. It’s like real estate, healthcare, govt, education, aviation etc rollout the red carpet for techies. Who knew coding could make you such a hot commodity?
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