What's your perspective on the India's future?

What's your perspective on the India's future? (Votes are anonymous)

  • It's a sinking ship

  • Gradual decline ahead

  • Steady as she goes

  • Bright future on the horizon

  • Golden age incoming

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watch if you wanna get frustrated !
Anyone knows where to get that kind of table

It's not slowing down. We will be challenging China's GDP after a decade what with their fake GDP numbers.
It's the India who is faking the GDP data. It's very well known. 1 2. When the current Govt came to power, they changed how the GDP was measured. It's very much like how this govt faked that India became polio free.

I'm referring to consistent FDI inflows since 2014. Nothing to do with covid.
I've posted sources here showing consistent growth projection to the end of the decade. India's future economic outlook is good. India's growth is unstoppable and proven since independence. We're not an assisted economy like China, Germany & Japan. We've grown despite sanctions and never enjoyed over half a century of peace dividend like those three countries. All this is lost on you. Our track record is good here so I don't see any cause for concern for the future as far as Indian economic growth is concerned.
Na. Your numbers don't add up. You didn't consider FDI outflow. I showed you. You should talk about net FDI and not just FDI inflow. And, it's going down as per the Govt source I quoted.

It's a bubble and a risky one.

Nothing is up in China. Admitting so comes with costs which is why I prefer Internet commentary that China is powerless to influence or otherwise threaten. Mainstream media has to play to the CCPs wishes or get blocked from future developments. Not an option for any western media conglomerates bottom line. Biggest joke is western media towing the CCPs line.
I'm confused. Are you talking about India being powerless or China?

It was India who lost land around Galwan to China and chose to look meek. What's happening with current confrontation with Trump? It's the Indians who are being humiliated at every turn. I wonder what late Vajpayi did when the Pakistani army took Kargil? Did he give a clean chit to Pakistan? I was in India when that conflict took place. It was prideful moment for Indians when the leader of the country stood up for the country they are serving.

Nobody is taking shit from Trump and China except our guy. Weak af.

Clearly you don't understand the internal economy we have going here that China doesn't have
We can import those
Personally no but governments have many other ways. For one they can tax their citizens and issue bonds unlike any of us. They can depreciate their currency so repaying debt gets easier.
What good is the internal economy without our imports?

Will India function without Oil?
What will the Indian tech sector would do if they can't get the hardware?
What will agriculture do if they can't import fertilizers?
What will Indian pharma do if they can't get raw material from China?

There is no domestic economy without our imports. And, you can't pay for imports with INR.

No, my friend, it's you who don't understand this. We can't sustain paying for imports by robbing our people or by depreciating the currency. It simply doesn't work. No matter how much INR depreciates, you still have to pay for the imports with USD.

High taxes are driving people to leave this country. How much do you want to increase? FIIs are also fleeing with their USDs as they have to pay capital gains tax, which many countries don't charge.

This Govt's current jagged is to purchase Russian oil for cheap and flip it for profits. India was never known for oil exports. But that's what's going on right now. India is literally sponsoring Russia for its Ukraine invasion. It's the blood money that's sitting in RBI coffers.

No it can't and by that I mean something as basic as food. Only 10% of Chinese territory can be used to grow food. Whereas nearly 50% of Indian territory can be used to grow food. China cannot survive without imported food or needs much more than we do.

Given India's history of famines, the first priority of the government post independence was to achieve food security. Took us over half a century but we've done it. eg. by 1998 we were producing more milk than the Americans.

Our increasing collaboration with Israel, over a decade old by now will further increase our future food security in the event of climate uncertainty.

What is IMEC? Israeli & Gulf Arab cooperation to make India a food basket for THEM. After all what's another 50 million more mouths to feed in west Asia. Yeah.
Food is not a high-value commodity. Developed countries don't focus on that, as it's a waste of land and other resources. The ROI is super low. Developed countries let poorer countries farm for them.

Maybe, as you said, only 10% of land in China is arable. But did you know it's also 3 times bigger than India? However, they put more technology, and research into it.

When it comes to farming, India is an outlier as it has the Gangetic plains which are rated to be the top most fertile lands in the world. But still, Indian farmers are poor. The food point is moot.

China's exports cannot fix their broken economy. Our economy is doing just fine.
That sounds like Alex Jones. Who's saying the Chinese economy is broken and Indian is doing better?

The share market, although not a direct marker, is still a good indicator of how an economy is doing. You should check the numbers.

You don't understand India's internal consumption economy.
Alright, enlighten me. What part of internal consumption can be fueled without USD paid imports?

Are we an isolated country like North Korea?

Avoid all imported products for a few days and see if you can live better than a North Korean.

Infosys was recruiting Bsc/BTech Computers freshers in 2011 by paying them 25k per month and in 2025 its 40k. Do you expect Infosys or Polaris or Microsoft to pay 1.5 lacs per month for freshers just because they were paid 25k in 2010.
Like I showed you, 25k in 2010 are worth 1.5L in 2025.

There is a thing called inflation. You have many relatives in Govt. Allow me to explain it to you more easily.

The Govt sets pay commission every decade. For 7th pay commission, which was about 10 years ago, the fitment factor was 2.5x. Meaning, salaries got multiplied by 2.5x. Now we are due with the 8th one. This one is around 2.8x. If you calculate, the Govt salaries got hiked by 5x in the past 15 years. This is close to my calculations.

I'm not suggesting how much the private sector should pay its freshers. Let the free market decide that. All I showed you was, today's engineer freshers are making the same amount of money that society watchman made in 2010.
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You don't understand India's internal consumption economy.

Neither do you, even the govt. admitted it indirectly that things are getting bad when they reduced taxes for everyone earning below 12 lpa with the hopes of boosting consumer spending. Nirmala aunty is also contemplating reducing GST rates and slabs atm.
Unfortunately it's a little too late, most middle class people are overly cautious with unnecessary spending, as it is prices of everything have steadily increased while wages have largely remained stagnant.

Neither do you, even the govt. admitted it indirectly that things are getting bad when they reduced taxes for everyone earning below 12 lpa with the hopes of boosting consumer spending. Nirmala aunty is also contemplating reducing GST rates and slabs atm.
Unfortunately it's a little too late, most middle class people are overly cautious with unnecessary spending, as it is prices of everything have steadily increased while wages have largely remained stagnant.
This feels like similar to japan situation.
4. Healthcare - Poor healthcare, nothing for taxpayers.
Believe it or not people come from outside to get their treatment in India. India is the best bang-for-buck country for healthcare right now. Govt. is also providing pension, free medicine through dispensary, free (to a limit) healthcare for its govt. employees.
10. illegal aliens - with heavy population in itself, illegal aliens are abusing resources of India making it poor each day.
What aliens are we talking about ? Those who come illegally can't get proper job without identification. They take whatever job they can but those aren't in high demand anyway. These are mostly unskilled construction works.
14. Internet / Broadband - Reliable internet connects people. it opens the doors of opportunities and make a country grow. The government can't even have a reliable broadband that they can offer us. Look at the BSNL site. Just look and see the changes and growth. Just go to BSNL exchange and check their services. Just buy bsnl broadband and check how reliable their service is.
BSNL is trash (Although getting better, slowly slowly) but there are other network providers. I will agree on one thing here though, If govt. doesn't do something and make BSNL as reliable as its competitors they are wasting resources while competitors are becoming grown too big to defeat. Anyone 'member those days when there were so many mobile network providers? Aircel, Vodafone, Idea, Tata DoCoMo, Videocon, Now there's literally 4 left lol. Either they merged or got acquired and dismantled.
BTW govt. bought 1/4 portion of Vodafone Idea in 2023 so at least they are trying to do something it seems like.

Everything else I completely (and sadly) agree with you. The issues are so big that if govt. did managed to rectify them it will take years (or even decades) before we start to see the results. Things have gone too bad for too long.
It's the India who is faking the GDP data. It's very well known. 1 2. When the current Govt came to power, they changed how the GDP was measured. It's very much like how this govt faked that India became polio free.
We were aligning with existing global norm. China's GDP figures are totally fake.

Trtworld? Is an anti-India bloody Turkish source. One notch better than al jazeera that should be considered as enemy media. Are you this desperate to make your point?
Na. Your numbers don't add up. You didn't consider FDI outflow. I showed you. You should talk about net FDI and not just FDI inflow. And, it's going down as per the Govt source I quoted.
Since when did FDI become understood as net? And outflow. Lol.

Who is investing in this country and how much. That is what FDI means.

This government gets full marks for consistently attracting FDI since 2014. You opposition sources dare not mention it because it does not suit their narrative.
I'm confused. Are you talking about India being powerless or China?
Read my comment again
It was India who lost land around Galwan to China and chose to look meek.
No, India didn't lose any land. What China did was block our patrols into land we claim. In other words disputed territory. They didn't grab any of our land which is not disputed. The opposition has been called out numerous times here for intentionally misleading people.

In the end it was China that withdrew from the fingers area. They dismantled their settlements and retreated back to finger 8. When has the PLA ever been made to retreat? India forced them to do so. Big loss of morale for the PLA right there. So it was the so called army of little emperors PLA that looked meek.
When ever Modi says free hand to the forces. Watch out.
What's happening with current confrontation with Trump? It's the Indians who are being humiliated at every turn.
How so?
I wonder what late Vajpayi did when the Pakistani army took Kargil? Did he give a clean chit to Pakistan? I was in India when that conflict took place. It was prideful moment for Indians when the leader of the country stood up for the country they are serving.
You are making a false comparison between two events.

China has never been given a clean chit here. China has either been forced to retreat or agreed to do so from numerous areas.

We've had numerous agreements which were blatantly violated by the Chinese side.

So we took the peaks around Kailash in Aug 2020. Meaning we had a clear view of the fingers area the PLA were occupying in violation of previous agreements. Implying they were vulnerable to artillery fire from our side. So of course the PLA withdrew in Feb '21 because they realised they were outplayed by us.

All of these actions took place over 18k feet. Only the fittest, most acclimated army can prevail. In the mountains tech does not do much. Only blood & grit matters.

This isn't anything new btw. The Sumdurong Chu affair was settled in the same way. Grabbing key peaks that put the Chinese at a disadvantage and we've held them since.

They tried to capture those peaks in Yangtze in Dec '22. Only to be badly surprised. They thought they could overcome a strength of 50 guarding the peaks with 300 of their own only to discover 450 of our guys waiting. They got a good thrashing and were chased back to their barracks with our side threatening to kill them. Until they fired warning shots and that was the end.

India has the best mountain fighting force in the world. PERIOD. We bested the Paks who we have more respect for in that terrain than some loser PLA conscript kiddies.
Nobody is taking shit from Trump and China except our guy. Weak af.
Every one has had to negotiate with Trump. And China is going to get it the worst because they have the biggest deficit ;)
What good is the internal economy without our imports?
Will India function without Oil?
What will the Indian tech sector would do if they can't get the hardware?
What will agriculture do if they can't import fertilizers?
What will Indian pharma do if they can't get raw material from China?
Why would we be in such a situation in the first place? Like the whole world has embargoed us and for WHAT reason again?
This Govt's current jagged is to purchase Russian oil for cheap and flip it for profits. India was never known for oil exports. But that's what's going on right now.
Ever since Reliance got into the refinery game, India has been an oil exporter. I'm amazed you don't know this. How many decades back are we talking here.
India is literally sponsoring Russia for its Ukraine invasion. It's the blood money that's sitting in RBI coffers.
Oh my god what is this guy saying. Literally parroting out Uki propaganda.

The foreign minister has rebutted these fake accusations numerous times abroad. He's rightfully become a rock star in Indian social media as a result. How is it you aren't aware of any of his replies.

The EU has sponsored the Russian invasion since day 1. If they continue to buy from us they are continuing to do so. We aren't the only players in this game. And without resorting to such actions we would be paying for a war we had no part in starting.

Food is not a high-value commodity.
If you don't have enough of it your people will not live.
Developed countries don't focus on that, as it's a waste of land and other resources. The ROI is super low.
Food security is a big achievement for this country. A half century in the making. Nobody in this country will argue against that.

We have to do what is right for us. I don't know if a comparison with developed countries is appropriate here.

Developed countries let poorer countries farm for them.
Where do you see this? Agricultural subsidies are significant whether it be the EU or the US. The two are arguing about that presently since neither is buying from the other at the expense of their own production.
Maybe, as you said, only 10% of land in China is arable. But did you know it's also 3 times bigger than India? However, they put more technology, and research into it.
They can't support their population they have (unlike us) since they have destroyed a good portion of it due to ignorant practices or polluting arable land.
When it comes to farming, India is an outlier as it has the Gangetic plains which are rated to be the top most fertile lands in the world. But still, Indian farmers are poor. The food point is moot.
I'm not talking about it from a prosperity pov but from a survival pov. You said if all imports to China were cut then China would still survive. Incorrect. Russia perhaps but China has no chance.
That sounds like Alex Jones. Who's saying the Chinese economy is broken and Indian is doing better?
You are not in touch with developments there if you are insinuating CT. I've known people talking about thus for the last five years and it's only in the last two that it's getting more traction.

The share market, although not a direct marker, is still a good indicator of how an economy is doing. You should check the numbers.
Forget share marjet. How about the real estate market in China? Bankrupt

30% of China's GDP is tied to it
Alright, enlighten me. What part of internal consumption can be fueled without USD paid imports?
I've given you pointers to look for. It got us through the 70s when foreign exchange was hard to come by and everyone was demanding $ to import oil.
Are we an isolated country like North Korea?

Avoid all imported products for a few days and see if you can live better than a North Korean.
I think we have gone off track here. My contention is India isn't has dependent on exports to support its economy as China.

China is an export driven economy. Any disruption to their exports will adversely affect them much more than us.

If China gets blocked their exports suffer. Ive also pointed out they are very import dependent when it comes to raw materials as that is what they transform into finished goods.
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