What's your perspective on the India's future?

What's your perspective on the India's future? (Votes are anonymous)

  • It's a sinking ship

  • Gradual decline ahead

  • Steady as she goes

  • Bright future on the horizon

  • Golden age incoming

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No race mixing is bad. Nothing good ever produced with race mixing. The offspring dont even have the same blood type as mother and father. A superior genetic person breeding with inferior genetic person will lead to offspring being inferior and probably autistic. Natural selection is very real in animal life but only we humans do virtu signalling and keep moral values to keep breeding with inferior genetic person. In animal kingdom, undesirable just get weeded out.

As for the caste system, it should not be like that i agree..but that doesn't mean interracial breeding/marriage..
LMAO !!! People like you is the reason why we will have reservation forever.
Who cares, go run away, be a corporate sell out.
lol, that's the issue. who cares? the people actually giving back to the nation understand what it takes and when you get nothing in return. I have paid lakhs of direct taxes, my GST have lakhs of credits.

people moving out is not all work for corporates and there is nothing wrong if you enjoy your work.
Abolish reservation, embrace racism i would say. Racism is good.
racism is a thin layer of plastic, it is up to you how you wrap it around the neck. i studied in government school and had friends of all castes, i never even knew that there is a thing like reservation upto 12th. every human being should be treated as human.
I dont know about you but i see there is potential. You will not believe how fast india is developing if you go out your bubble. I will agree it is not the same rate as the chinese and japanese. But you black pilling on corruption, not seeing the other way around.
i have seen the possibilities and i wish things get better but you not know the reality on the ground. a home can't last long without strong pillars.
i don't want to argue over these things if you don't have any real value to put in.
Moving abroad when getting chance is very coward like behaviour. Why dont you stay and try helping the nation?
I think people run away because they don't see the country improving in the near future. It's an easy way out I would agree with you on that but I wouldn't call it cowardice but rather taking a different approach. Wouldn't you change where you get your fruits from if a shop keeps on selling spoiled fruits to you or would you wait and keep buying in the hope they start selling you fresh again?
No race mixing is bad. Nothing good ever produced with race mixing. The offspring dont even have the same blood type as mother and father. A superior genetic person breeding with inferior genetic person will lead to offspring being inferior and probably autistic. Natural selection is very real in animal life but only we humans do virtu signalling and keep moral values to keep breeding with inferior genetic person. In animal kingdom, undesirable just get weeded out.

As for the caste system, it should not be like that i agree..but that doesn't mean interracial breeding/marriage..

"Yes, interracial babies inherit genes from both parents, and therefore, their blood type, like other traits, is a combination of their parents' genetic makeup, meaning they can have blood types that are different from either parent"
"While blood type is genetically determined, it's important to note that there is no direct correlation between blood type and "race"".
"Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens are inherited from both parents, and the combination of these antigens determines the child's blood type"
In the case of interracial babies, the genes inherited from each parent can be different, leading to a combination of traits, including blood type.

Don't see how your point about blood type matters and how its leading to "inferior" breeding. A superior genetic person breeding with inferior genetic person will lead to superior genes dominating the inferior genes and taking their place more in the offspring. Only in case of both partners having inferior genes will it matter because then inferior genes will carry on (most commonly seen in offsprings that are result of incest). It doesn't work the way you are describing.
Also you do realise there weren't established countries back in time right? Lots of interracial breeding has been done before and just because some people in the past decided to build walls and mate within their only kingdom doesn't make interracial breeding wrong.
BTW offspring blood type can be different for racially similar couples as well.
So leaving is the right protocol right, your ancestor will be proud wow well done man.
It's mostly rich, well educated, successful people who are primarily migrating.
Now you know who are the kind staying back and what can they offer (not saying everyone staying back is in bad shape, but significant number of them is not going to be in good shape).
Not everyone are rightly positioned to fight against the system and uplift the country. I feel no harm if they are finding good pastures else where and uplifting their life.

Leave alone India, imagine now being an Ukranian young man staying in that country if he is not willing to put his head in meat grinder, hiding only for TCC to kidnap him from basement one day and be sent to front line right into war machines. No ancestor is going to be proud of that suffering moment when their wives, daughters are vacationing in west, young men getting dishonored and vaporized. There is no honor in fighting inhuman, pathetically miserable war systems built for failure and only to benefit corrupt to the bleached bones leaders.

Staying in one place is like grass waiting for a random cow to eat it and nothing to be remembered for.
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Why so much deliberation over a straightforward thought process, with casual racism thrown in, for good measure?

It's simple - look out for yourself. You're doing your bit by paying taxes. Beyond that, what else would one do to contribute towards "nation building"? Write odysseys on our leaders (whether good or bad)? You have a limited lifespan. Look after yourself, and your family, first and foremost. If you get that in India, stay back. If you get it overseas, so be it. Unless you're of the workplace mindset of "we're a family" before you're laid off without second thought, or are in favor of the North Korean propaganda machine of - "nation and leaders first!"

If I look at it neutrally, I don't like my tax money going into Gaumutra research rather than improving infrastructure, for starters.
A superior genetic person breeding with inferior genetic person will lead to offspring being inferior and probably autistic.
I would also like to see some hard data backing up this claim, rather than a racist "trust me bro"
I like how you worded it casual racism for good measure hahaha. Also for the research, internet is accessible for everyone here. Please do your due diligence yourself, i just claimed what i believe and also what i have came across, years ago..
I don't see the humor in this, because if it isn't casual racism, what is it? Fact?

Nobody should have to research something like this, where common and moralistic sense prevails. See my signature under my profile pic, I rest my case.

The highlighted bit in my quote of your post is the actual reason.
That is true, it is a bit racist. But everyone is racist, someone is willing to say the quiet part loud and someone is not.
It's fine to have your own opinion and stand on a specific matter, you have the right to. Just try not to generalize it as a universal truth.
refering the superior genetic person as pure blood.
Boy have I got a reddit thread straight from r/genetics for you.
Pure blood has nothing to do with genetics.
Perhaps i have not worded it correctly,
Not only that you also haven't done basic research. You realise what you believe in and "have come across, from years ago" can be different from reality? Another big issue in India, people keep believing what they have been taught at young age even after being provided with official scientifically proven data.
That is true, it is a bit racist. But everyone is racist, someone is willing to say the quiet part loud and someone is not.
Cmon, don't justify racism like that. It's true everyone is racist to a certain degree whether intentionally or unintentionally but at least you can intentionally decide not be a racist.
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Trtworld? Is an anti-India bloody Turkish source. One notch better than al jazeera that should be considered as enemy media. Are you this desperate to make your point?
That's a typical right-wing argument for everything. Funded by George Soros, Nehru ki galti, Aurangzeb. Anything and everything under the sun has been called as Anti-Indian.

It was one of the first few links that google gave me. I don't care what is TRTworld. You can locate the same news in a thousand different places.

China's GDP figures are totally fake.
How? It's poised to have a trillion dollar surplus in exports. How can the GDP be fake when other countries are measuring it in terms of import-exports?

This quote is from someone who works in PM advisory council.

If Indian GDP is real, then why this,

We were aligning with existing global norm.
Nope. We are faking it. The number is manipulated to show BJP Govt is doing better than the earlier Govt.

This isn't merely "aligning with global norms." The methodology change created a significant statistical discontinuity that made historical comparisons difficult. The GDP numbers from congress and BJP are incomparable. Using the same metrics used by BJP, the GDP number jumps by a couple of percentages for the congress Govt.

Furthermore, the BJP has included a lot of fake shell companies to calculate its numbers. About 36% of them are untraceable.

Since when did FDI become understood as net? And outflow. Lol.

Who is investing in this country and how much. That is what FDI means.

This government gets full marks for consistently attracting FDI since 2014. You opposition sources dare not mention it because it does not suit their narrative.
FDI inflow = investment coming in the country
FDI outflow = investment taken out

What's so difficult to understand? Net FDI (the difference between inflows and outflows) has plummeted by 62.14% to $10.6 billion in FY24 from $28 billion the previous year—the lowest level since 2007. Capital is fleeing from the country.

And, if you still want to boast about FDI inflow, then I suppose you should thank Manmohan Singh, as FDI inflow peaked in his term. How about that? The World Bank has the most correct data. And, its way of comparing the FDI numbers against something (GDP, in this case) makes more sense than say just raw numbers out there which don't account for inflation.


No, India didn't lose any land. What China did was block our patrols into land we claim. In other words disputed territory. They didn't grab any of our land which is not disputed. The opposition has been called out numerous times here for intentionally misleading people.

In the end it was China that withdrew from the fingers area. They dismantled their settlements and retreated back to finger 8. When has the PLA ever been made to retreat? India forced them to do so. Big loss of morale for the PLA right there. So it was the so called army of little emperors PLA that looked meek.
When ever Modi says free hand to the forces. Watch out.
China has never been given a clean chit here.

The June 2020 Galwan clash resulted in 20 Indian soldiers killed—the first deaths along the LAC in 45 years. This wasn't a minor patrol disruption as you characterize it, but the deadliest border incident in decades.

And, what was done about it? We blocked TikTok. Yey. We imposed some import restrictions on China. We are so insignificant to China, it didn't even bother to retaliate, like how it did to US when it wanted to impose tariff on Chinese goods and ban TikTok.

Anyway, China has taken an initiate of building the world's biggest dam (3 times bigger than the current biggest--three gorges dam) on the Brahmaputra river. With that, it can kill the Indian economy at a flick of a switch.

I take it back that China is still occupying those 1k sq km, wasn't aware about recent developments. But your positive take on China's withdrawal misses the point that they left places they never should have taken in the first place, and only after inflicting heavy losses. This isn't really a "big loss of morale for the PLA"; it's more of a strategic shift after reaching their territorial goals. China does it to all of its neighbors. Why? Nobody knows. Maybe it's cultural or something.

Every one has had to negotiate with Trump. And China is going to get it the worst because they have the biggest deficit ;)
Do you mean trade surplus?
A couple of pointers,
China holds a significant control over USD trade. I believe the US isn't in a strong enough position to call the shots. And, even if it does proceed with that, China is a net surplus economy. It'll simply depreciate its currency more to keep rates stable in the US. A win-win for China.

You didn't watch Modi-Trump press conference?

Why would we be in such a situation in the first place? Like the whole world has embargoed us and for WHAT reason again?
Ever since Reliance got into the refinery game, India has been an oil exporter. I'm amazed you don't know this. How many decades back are we talking here.
Yeah, India is an oil exporter since Reliance entered refining, but you grossly misrepresent our energy security situation. India's oil import dependency has increased to 88.2% in April-February of FY25, up from 87.7% in the corresponding period last year. This dependency has been steadily rising, from 83.8% in FY19 to 87.8% in FY24.

The government's 2015 goal to reduce oil import dependency to 67% by 2022 has clearly failed.

I'll go back to reiterate my point that India is an import dependant country. We can't function without our imports. And, as we are also a net negative economy, we have no choice but to rely heavily on exports so that we can keep importing stuff. Nobody wants to deal in INR internationally.

Oh my god what is this guy saying. Literally parroting out Uki propaganda.
Yeah, and I'm sticking to my guns.

Russia put its pawn in the WH. Russia and China, both dismantling western dominance by brainwashing American conservatives. I'm sorry, but I don't buy their words.

We have to do what is right for us. I don't know if a comparison with developed countries is appropriate here.
Where do you see this? Agricultural subsidies are significant whether it be the EU or the US. The two are arguing about that presently since neither is buying from the other at the expense of their own production.
They can't support their population they have (unlike us) since they have destroyed a good portion of it due to ignorant practices or polluting arable land.
I'm not talking about it from a prosperity pov but from a survival pov. You said if all imports to China were cut then China would still survive. Incorrect. Russia perhaps but China has no chance.

Food security is a big achievement for this country. A half century in the making. Nobody in this country will argue against that.
Does it hurt to acknowledge it was Congress who pushed for the green revolution? You rather seem to have a high opinion of that administration.

I have acknowledged this feat before:
Man, he passed away recently and sadly, nobody noticed. I'll say he was the single most important person of the last century. He's the reason most of us, our parents and their parents "exist". If someone likes existing, they should thank him.

But my point was different.
India ranks first in the world with the highest net cropped area followed by US and China. And, both of them are three times bigger than India.

It's a problem, though,
  • The productivity of Indian farms is less than the global average, despite having the best possible environment.
  • And, not to mention, a significant portion of our population is employed wasted inefficiently in that sector.
  • Thirdly, have you heard of the water scarcity that many Indian cities face? It doesn't have much to do with rain or the population. Oh, no! 80-90% of water from most dams is used for agriculture purpose. That's the main reason for water scarcity.
It's easier,
  1. To use water, land, electricity, human resources for cities and industries.
  2. Make 10x more money by adding finished / expensive products to your export portfolio.
  3. Buy food from poor countries for dirty cheap money.
But in India, we do things ass-backwards. Priority is given to agriculture, the stuff that's keeping us poor. All resources are given to it. Indian agriculture is a lose-lose for the economy. It's a drag on the cities/industries who were titled to make us a developed country.

If you needed to wash dishes at home, would you have your child learn that skill and spend all of their time doing dishes, even if it could hurt their future? Or would you hire someone inexpensive to do it, or perhaps buy a dishwasher to save time?

There's a reason why developed economies typically do not rely heavily on exporting raw materials like food.

You are not in touch with developments there if you are insinuating CT. I've known people talking about thus for the last five years and it's only in the last two that it's getting more traction.
Like what? Have you seen photos of Chinese cities and then compared them with Indian cities?

You live in BLR ffs. Are you oblivious about its shittiest infra? Other Indian cities are not saint either.

Why do you need hearsay?
Forget share marjet. How about the real estate market in China? Bankrupt
  • They had an oversupply.
  • China hadn't imposed a recession on the world like the US did in 2008. Reason? The Chinese Govt is rich AF. It's a different matter that it imposed recession by giving us Covid, the world suffered, but china is back to where it was before.
  • You are glossing one important fact, their commoner can buy property in most Chinese cities.
A commoner Indian can't say that they can afford properties in Indian cities (no, I'm not even counting Mumbai). Indians have to be in the top 1-3% class to be able to purchase new property. This stat is worse than even US or UK, who are a developed countries.

Anyway, the Chinese real estate was yesterday's news.

See what's going on here,

No, it's not news yet. But unless Indian techies somehow get better at coding than AI, I don't see why it won't happen.

I've given you pointers to look for. It got us through the 70s when foreign exchange was hard to come by and everyone was demanding $ to import oil.
India in the 1970s resembled North Korea more than the open-economy India we see today. And back then, we were less needy and more communisty.

Any disruption to their exports will adversely affect them much more than us.
Like I said earlier, China and Russia are dismantling western dominance. A small example is the discontinuation of USAID. Yeah, on a surface, USAID policy does look stupid. But if you think about it, it kept poorer countries from joining the Russian-Chinese alliance. Western democracies got their say heard in the UN.

Coming back to your point, today, China practically owns many Africans, eastern European countries.

The US is just one of 200 countries on this planet. China will increase its exports to other countries.

Ive also pointed out they are very import dependent when it comes to raw materials as that is what they transform into finished goods.
I found it surprising to discover that China imports large quantities of some raw materials like iron, coal, copper etc. even though it has plenty of reserves.

Why dont you stay and try helping the nation?
Oh yes, this is a line parroted by every teen. I was a teen once.

As they mature, they face the responsibilities of paying taxes and caring for others, only to come to the sudden realization that they cannot change the country on their own. There are more than a billion people in this country and they couldn't do it.

As they gain more maturity and financial resources, they come to understand that changing the country is easier than changing the country.
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Like what? Have you seen photos of Chinese cities and then compared them with Indian cities?

Stop talking nonsense, areas near the ORR like whitefield and electronic city have world class infra, look how inferior the Chinese are in comparison,

P.S. please don't waste your personal time on delusional people stuck in echo chambers, use the ignore button instead.
we really don't have any good example to put in. BLR, IT hub doesn't even come closer to what a normal city in abroad look like. leave china. We have seen the water crisis, floods in BLR, also have garbage problems like other cities. high rent taking benefits of intelligent peoples. i remember people were talking about hiring the natives only.

i don't know what kind of bubbles we are making and living in.
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Progress in one single sector is not enough to call India "Atmanirbhar". This needs to happen in other sectors as well.
But its not in one single sector. I've frequently pointed out that defence is increasingly moving in that direction. See the Navy or Artillery. Its a slow process. Doesn't mean it's not happening as is the common perception on this board. Doesn't makr the front page. May not even be mentioned by the msm and only specialised publications like the one I linked.

'Green' shipping? thats definitely a new one for me