This is something unusual happened.
I installed new whatsapp and configured my Vodafone no. which is very rare on whatsapp.
Whatsapp showed its validity as 10 months remaining. Fine. Coz till date hasnt really used that no. on whatsapp.
Used it for a day and then...
Then deleted that no and on same whatsapp configured my regular Docomo no. which previously had a validity of 3 months whatsapp validity.
Well here I was shocked to find that now the validity of this no. increased to 10 months!
Another shock was that my Vodafone no. got deactivated from whatsapp automatically once I configured Docomo on same whatsapp.
Did the validity got transferred or something from Vodafone to Docomo no.??
I dont know what to link with what but yeah this did happened to me at least.

I installed new whatsapp and configured my Vodafone no. which is very rare on whatsapp.
Whatsapp showed its validity as 10 months remaining. Fine. Coz till date hasnt really used that no. on whatsapp.
Used it for a day and then...
Then deleted that no and on same whatsapp configured my regular Docomo no. which previously had a validity of 3 months whatsapp validity.
Well here I was shocked to find that now the validity of this no. increased to 10 months!

Another shock was that my Vodafone no. got deactivated from whatsapp automatically once I configured Docomo on same whatsapp.

Did the validity got transferred or something from Vodafone to Docomo no.??
I dont know what to link with what but yeah this did happened to me at least.