When will HD tv broadcast come to india??

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Right now we have only HDTVs in india.There are no networks that offer HD broadcasts.Even satellite tv like tata sky and dish tv or the recently launched IPTV don't offer any HD content yet. So my question is when can we expect to see the same in india?? I don't care about indian tv producers producing local HD content(i hate the local movies and tv serials anyway). What i would like to know is when can we in india see major american networks bring their HD serials like "24" and discovery channel ,etc,etc in HD here???
It will start soon - with Cricket! Once that starts, then the other stuff will take off. Actually, sports is one place where HDTV is really good. E.g. superslowmotion replay + HDTV will pretty much make a 3rd umpires job the easiest thing on earth
IceFusion said:
wht u didnt see the advertisments.. Star movies gonna show BonD movies from tonight in wide screen format..
Yeah man, that's gonna be friggin' awesome !

Dr. No today IIRC ?
Once HDTV's are available on a larger scale they will start promoting HD broadcasts in a big way...also the DTH providers may go for it to lure away the cable users...still some time to go for that t happen imo :)
Damn! I don't have Star Movies! :O :ashamed:

me: who gets star movies?
Mask: on tV?
me: aing? on your washing machine, of course!
Mask: well.. i get * movies on radio too ..
me: who gets star movies?
Nikhil B: i do :P
me: dr no is in widescreen?
Nikhil B: ehh ??
Nikhil B: the movie is coming on star movies ?
me: !!!!!!!!!!
me: go watch!
Nikhil B: baah
Nikhil B: the book is way better than the movie
Nikhil B: I had high expectations from Ursula
Nikhil B: but she disappoints
me: dood! pretty please, with sugar on top, please go check star movies :)
Nikhil B: abbey
Nikhil B: TV is down
Nikhil B: Sis might be watching some crappy saas bahu thing
me: go check during the ads
Nikhil B: why why why ?
me: just check if its widescreen
Nikhil B: Ayyo
Nikhil B: MY TV is regular resolution....wont make a difference will it ?
me: will you stop cribbing and go watch!
Nikhil B: wait
there was a message at the start that this movie is shown in original format or something.. wait for chaos to post he saw it on his dell
Dunno didn't see the beginning :P so can't say. Of course it fit fine on my dell monitor and for the first time TV didn't appear stretched :P.
Thx you all for completely hijacking my thread!!!

BTW, watched james+ blondie in widescreen at my friend's(On his 26 inch widescreen) !!:D:D Was okay.Better than 4:3 tv but nothing special! Eagerly waiting for the day when i can watch HD programmes here in india:D
it will take atleast another 3-4 years :P its just begginning to pick up on foreign markets so dont expect it to go at the same pace here :D
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