whenever i Enable the internet to clients the server stops working internet!!!!!


I have an internet connection with a static ip say "123.238.X.X"

And I assigned a system with two ethernet cards as server.

Ist ethernet for Internet which contains the ISP's IP

2nd ethernet for lan contains the IP "" and which gateway & DNS as mentioned as Ist Ethernet card!!!

6 systems ip was assigned as "" "" "" and so on with default gateway as ""

The problem is whenever i Enable the internet to clients the server stops working internet.

Please give me a solution.....
You did not mention which OS is running on the server, also you did not mention how you are sharing the internet connection.

Just off the top of my head, remove only the gateway from the 192.168.x.x card coz if the gateway is not from the 192.168.x.x network range there is no use and the packets will get dropped.

Post the details here so that we can have a more clear picture.
Win xp in both server and clients....

And i used the gateway that same as ISP's provided on my server to both NIC's.....
The above mentioned was solved.

But i got a problem that i have not workgroup computers that is clients from server and vice versa......

Whats the problem??????