PC Peripherals Where can i get XBOX 360 Controller for PC in mumbai?

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Hi guys, I want to buy a wired xbox controller for pc but i dont know where i can get in lamington road. I asked primeabgb but they dont keep it. any other stores where i can find it? Also let me know its price please.
P.S: Are there any versions and models in controller? If yes then which one you suggest?
There is a shop near McAnn selling games (almost looks like a game library with all those game stacked neatly) - sorry i don't remember the shop's name.

P.S.: I got my 360 wired Controller from there. Make sure you tell the guy that the price online is around 1.2-1.3k else he will quote 2k. I did that when I bought it because he was trying to sell it to me for 1.8k. Mind you I did buy that when I bought it about a year back and the online price was around 1.1k then.
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