MX4 is much better. And 20gm will last at least five times, maybe even 10 times. The Rs.550 thing will only last once. The 20gm thing is a big pack, the regular stuff is just 4gm which lasts at least once. You 2k+ is for 5+ uses, including shipping and everything. So that is like 400 bucks for a use, and a use will easily last 3-6+ months
Just for clarification Sire, how much Thermal paste do you put in one go?
I have a 3.5 gm tube of Tuniq TX-2 and it has already given me ~4 uses. It will give me ~2 more uses easily and this is a silicone based paste, so I have to use a generous dot of paste.
The Arctic Silver 5 being a metal based paste, demands that user puts less of the damn thing on the processor lest it overflows under pressure. A 3.5 gm tube is enough to give OP a minimum of ~3 uses [5 if he uses it judicially].