Where is Dipdude ??

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Aditya said:
Maybe he got bored.

He already had maximum greenbars :P.

O.o is that why u are here?? :P
Bah if that was the case he would have left long time ago and so did 15-20 other guys.
The thing is he is dead on all forums he was active on.
Funky said:
The thing is he is dead on all forums he was active on.
Maybe his pc got screwed and he is too lazy to check in the cafes...:lol: Just one of the possibilities...:P

zhopudey said:
Yeah, and we are waiting for the ransom note. The kidnappers will post it on TE.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ROFL....
N guess who's gonna pay for dippy then...XT uncle...:lol:
XT's prediction goes like this.

Dipdude was attending one of those infamous Pune rave parties when police raided the place and locked em up. Sounds possible. :rofl: :rofl:
Funky said:
XT's prediction goes like this.

Dipdude was attending one of those infamous Pune rave parties when police raided the place and locked em up. Sounds possible. :rofl: :rofl:

:ohyeah: Finally the secret's out :rofl: :rofl:
rave parties..last time i heard he was suffering tera naam syndrome........and is at same place where salman was kept in tera naam....

l8er heard he has gone to his hometown to attend her wifes wedding

also heard after getting so many green bars....xt convinced dip that green bars=green card.....so dip went in for a us flight and entered the fbi most wanted list....and is now some where in abu garib ....

some more interesting stories will come up in few days
Saiyan said:
hehe, yeah he went poof, i am still looking out for him :2guns:

to be frank, i miss that guy a lot these days....

*Cough* Maybe thats why he left, when he found out .. *cough* :bleh:
Well, Dip was shy.

I asked him once for his Yahoo ID for adding him on my Messenger list and also for his email ID.

He didnt give it to me, saying I could PM him on FE/TE anytime I needed his help.
You wouldnt believe I did that twice over a span of just 3-4 days. The window here is open all the time and I thought some bug flew in. Strangely it was moving in circles, till I realized its a new avatar. :P
Anish said:
@ Bottle - Man your avatar, I wiped the screen for that bug
Lol..i agree man..i almost did the same yesterday ..then realised how stooopid..:ashamed:
Damn..yesterday i did so many things..at home...now in a day, i'm a thousand kms away from home...:no:...i miss home...:(
Dipdude wasnt a bot.
My theory isnt correct.
And as far as contacting him goes, well I am sure that if you guys presumed that we would have his contact information, you would also have presumed that we did contact him. And since none of us do infact know the real reason, the conclusion is that he never did reply.
Anish said:
^ LOL @ Eddy.

@ Bottle - Man your avatar, I wiped the screen for that bug :rofl:

I did the same...lol...

Surely safin must be knowing where dipdude is...I did think of posting this thread a week back...
vij said:
I did the same...lol...

Surely safin must be knowing where dipdude is...I did think of posting this thread a week back...

sadly even the safina doesn't know anything abt dipdude. I am investigating on this matter for past 1 month, didn't come up with anything:cool2:
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