Where to buy Pepper Spray in Bangalore ?

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Try National market, I saw one of these there..
and btw Butterfly Electricals & Electronics Pvt. Ltd makes them india! I will give you the phone number when I get it :hap2:
Yup i'd seen them in national market too. Jus go over there and ask around. You'r sure to find something. Might even get something in Arianth Plaza.
Ank1t said:
Yup i'd seen them in national market too. Jus go over there and ask around. You'r sure to find something. Might even get something in Arianth Plaza.

Where is Arianth plaza ?
Any idea as to the legality of using pepper spray in India ?
..as a form of self defence.

Since we inherit a lot of British law, i do know that using pepper spray isn't legal in the UK.

It is..on the continent tho.
Nikhil said:
A friend of mine has started work and she will be travelling home around mid night.

And for this reason, I want to know where I can go an buy a can of pepper spray. In bangalore....
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
On a more serious note, I had also seen it in Health and Glow (Forum Mall)
Anish said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
On a more serious note, I had also seen it in Health and Glow (Forum Mall)

What is so funny ? I was laughing my head off at your post because I couldnt understand why you were laughing so hard...

Not to mention the fact that my mental state isnt the best right now... these VTU exams really addle your brains :P
Chief-Techie said:
i guesss ur typing beats ur thinking :rofl: :rofl:

health n glow in forum :hap2:

forgot 2 add 2 dots after forum :P
then it would have been correct...
or the the otherway round :)
^ Hey i saw this big ad for (cobra?) pepper sprays. You know lifestyle right? go straight from there towards castle street (the fuga road) but dont actually go onto castle street. stay on the main road. at the junction of castle street there is this car accessories shop (bang opposite the church). they'v given an ad right there to enquire about pepper sprays there.
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