Where to buy Pepper Spray in Bangalore ?

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Health & Glow has sold sprays for years, but we need tasers lol. You can still miss with spray, and you actually get someone, it will only anger them - but they aren't going to run away. Tasers will temporarily cripple these low-lifes and the body pain over the next week will remind them to be careful next time :D
vij said:
What if the miscreants are spectacled :P
It was never meant only for the eyes but the whole face.
also lil effective on the neck and nape area.
But men have reduced reaction on lower jaw as regular shaving slightly desensitises that part.
But attacking the eyes works best as even lime juice is deadly for them.:P
The person feels severe burning sensation all over the facial skin.
Facial skin esp, nose, cheeks and around the eye/brow are very sensitive.

For a milder but eye-opening reproduction of the same-
Wash face with soap, wipe it dry and apply raw/undiluted dettol with a cotton swab over nose and cheeks.
Wait for sometime and then yelp all the way to the wash basin.:lol:

note that we won't feel a thing if the above is done to the other exposed parts like arms or legs/feet.:)
RiO said:
Health & Glow has sold sprays for years, but we need tasers lol. You can still miss with spray, and you actually get someone, it will only anger them - but they aren't going to run away. Tasers will temporarily cripple these low-lifes and the body pain over the next week will remind them to be careful next time :D

where do you get them :P ??
Joke: Nikhil, did you get it ? Why don't you give a review by spraying it on a person with or without mask ;) :tongue: :ohyeah:

Delete this post if you can't take a JOKE.
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