Where to buy PSP slim ?

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lucky you. All fakes seen by me (mine and my friends) seem 2 start giving probs. They work fine until u fill it up 2 capacity.
Why buy a fake, when you can get a Sandisk Original 4GB card for 2700? At least thats what I paid for it at Lamington Road. And I checked that its not fake. I have read in some forums that a bad memory card card can even cause your PSP to brick while updating, so I don't think anyone should take the risk!
hey man today i bought psp slim with 4 gb card slim casing, screen gaurd, along with usb charging data cable power adapter + 5 games for 10400 from palika anyone wana know the shop can ask me
faheem_m said:
:Si always thought that ..you can easily ..revert back to original firmware using the pandora battery ...incase there's some hardware problem .with the psp..
but if the console is like totally dead..then maybe u cant claim warranty with custom firmware..

If the console is totally completely dead and loaded with CFW in it? How would sony guys know that CFW was installed by the customer? how can they say that warranty void! :rofl:
h4x0R said:
If the console is totally completely dead and loaded with CFW in it? How would sony guys know that CFW was installed by the customer? how can they say that warranty void! :rofl:

Me think that too. Maybe the firmware is stored in a chip or something where they check first which firmware was it in the first place
Now thats some real great price drop as i was about to get it for around 4K frm US throwing my hard saved money, now will wait for a further drop :bleh:
Aman27deep said:
lol, 3k for aqn 8gb model, is surely very, very very sweet!
I can buy a slim PSP for 5k (if brand new) :ohyeah:

Hi Aman27deep ,

Sure The Rate for the MS Pro Duo 8 GB is The Same i quoted Try All Places And Report Back but PSP Slim is Not Less then 9k Cos there is No Official Units From Sony and Will Not Be there Till 15 More Days ,I Have a Idea Cos We Do Little Console Selling Here And There Sometimes .
^^ Dude...enough with the first letter being capital x_x'

I didnt know you are selling items in TE too? SWEET!! Btw, how much YOUR selling psp slim for by any chance?
Hi Aman27deep ,

Sure The Rate for the MS Pro Duo 8 GB is The Same i quoted Try All Places And Report Back but PSP Slim is Not Less then 9k Cos there is No Official Units From Sony and Will Not Be there Till 15 More Days ,I Have a Idea Cos We Do Little Console Selling Here And There Sometimes .

unfortunately its true, no stock of PSPs in any of the sony world here, heck if i have to wait 15 more days, ill just get it form US..
Can anyone tell me where can I get a PSP modded in mumbai (south mumbai)??

Also whats the latest (stable) version of the *ahem* firmware...
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