Other Where to find lowest price for Kindle Paperwhite?



I looking to pick up a Kindle Paperwhite 2 (even the older PW1 is ok) for the lowest price possible. Can you suggest which place (0nline or if offline, in Blore)?
I picked mine up on Quikr for 3500 a couple of months ago. Almost brand new.

This is in Delhi -


If you can get someone to ship it to you.

Bangalore -


If you absolutely want a new one, wait till Amazon has a deal. They had them for 4800 a month or so ago. You can also probably pick up a Paperwhite, slightly used for 7-8000 on Quikr, OLX etc.

The reason I would say get a cheaper one is if you have never used a e reader then maybe you wanna start off the cheap ish one to see if its something you can actually read off. I absolutely love mine but I can easily see why someone would want to stick to physical books too. Ereaders arent for everyone. If like yours and want to upgrade to the more expensive one then you can always sell it back on TE to recoup most of your funds.

Although, having seen and used both the paperwhite and the regular one, I honestly would prefer the regular one. Touch interface doesnt really work so great (for me anyway) and physical buttons are way better. The big benefit is the screen is backlit but picking up a cheap clip on light should do the trick. Look at the ones blkrbot posted.

Lastly, FWIW you also might wanna factor in the price of a decent cover when you buy a kindle. It makes it easier to hold, to read and to transport. I honestly cant imagine using mine without a cover, its just too weird to hold a tablet by itself for long periods of time. A good cover will run you anywhere from 600- 900 bucks.

Hope this helps. :)

EDIT Also from going around TE, you can also pick up a Kobo for cheap too. Although I remember reading that Kobo ones have software issues frequently so maybe you wanna check with someone who owns one before commiting.
@cellar_door: Thanks for the links. For the last two days, I have been using the Kindle 5 (Non Touch), which I had picked up for 6k from Amazon under the 15 day return offer. I have come to realize that I enjoy the experience of reading on E-Ink. I have tried the PW1 for around 15 mins and personally prefer the Non touch version.

Croma has the Kindle 4 (Grey) for 4,499. I will pick it up once I get the refund from Amazon :)
@Palpy I have a Nook Simple Touch and I prefer the touchscreen. The buttons are quite hard to press. Tapping on the left/right edge of screen to turn the page feels quite natural.
@cellar_door: Thanks for the links. For the last two days, I have been using the Kindle 5 (Non Touch), which I had picked up for 6k from Amazon under the 15 day return offer. I have come to realize that I enjoy the experience of reading on E-Ink. I have tried the PW1 for around 15 mins and personally prefer the Non touch version.

Croma has the Kindle 4 (Grey) for 4,499. I will pick it up once I get the refund from Amazon :)

Croma deal seems to be good. And AFAIK there isnt really any significant difference between 5 and 4. Have fun. :D

@Palpy I have a Nook Simple Touch and I prefer the touchscreen. The buttons are quite hard to press. Tapping on the left/right edge of screen to turn the page feels quite natural.

Its purely a personal preference. Button just feel a little more natural to me. Of course I am biased towards it since I have used the buttons longer than I used the touch interface. YMMV. :)