Where to get DX9 games in bangalore

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Live eviL
need to buy the following games(in bangalore only) as I didnt play for one reason or other and i am unable to find them anywhere(dont point ebay plz)
Where can i find them?

2.Quake 4
4.Splinter Cell
6.Fallout 3
Gowt1ham said:
need to buy the following games(in bangalore only) as I didnt play for one reason or other and i am unable to find them anywhere(dont point ebay plz)
Where can i find them?

2.Quake 4
4.Splinter Cell
6.Fallout 3

I've seen all of this [except Oblivion] in Landmark in the Forum. Even if they don't have stock, place an order [no need of advance] they will get it and call you back.
All the games are available in landmark in forum, few are available in planet m, brigade road, few are available in temptation m in indira nagar.
wirelessraj said:
Try at Glasgow Computers, below Planet M, Brigade Road!!!

+1..they have a very good collection of PC games and will also get them for you if they do not have in stock.
Warning: Never ever buy from Glasgow computers, those mofos overcharge unsuspecting customers in everything.

Forget games, do not even try to buy any hardware.Once he quoted 1K for orange box which was available for 800 in PlanetM just above it.

One another occasion he said mx518 costs 2K... wtf... plus he ll make sure that all the MRP price tags from hardware are removed. Saw this pattern twice while searching for some gadgets there.

Try somewhere else bro not that piece of sh1t called glasgow.

And who so ever is singing songs in their praise perhaps did not compare prices outside.
I have been buying games & both my consoles (Xbox & PS3) for the last 2 years from Glasgow, I always get at least 10% off on the MRP (yes on the consoles also)

You can always bargain if you know what is available at what price at other places!!!
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