D Dark_Knight Contributor Jul 21, 2006 #1 Guys, this may be a dumb question, but its been bugging me for quite some time now. I cant find the smudge tool in my photoshop cs.. Here's the screen shot of my tools Pl tell me how to activate this tool
Guys, this may be a dumb question, but its been bugging me for quite some time now. I cant find the smudge tool in my photoshop cs.. Here's the screen shot of my tools Pl tell me how to activate this tool
E elendil Contributor Jul 21, 2006 #2 hey try the tiny triangle on the blur icon, the one with the image of a drop. I think that does it.. not sure though this is from what i remember. Attachments capture1ee4.png 16.3 KB · Views: 114
hey try the tiny triangle on the blur icon, the one with the image of a drop. I think that does it.. not sure though this is from what i remember.
H hammerhead Discoverer Jul 21, 2006 #3 Right click on the icons that have the small triangle on the bottom right, that will allow more related tools to pop up.
Right click on the icons that have the small triangle on the bottom right, that will allow more related tools to pop up.
S Shrey Contributor Jul 21, 2006 #5 LOL... someone delete this thread now .... hehe shortest thread ive seen to date