Which 40-42 size UltraHD Tv ?

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Saw on internet Samsung UA40HU7000R, LG 40UB800T and LG42UB820T. Which is the best 40-42 inch UHD Tv ? and if anyone using some other model inputs are welcome :)
Sorry for hacking your thread, but I am also looking at the same TVs.
Can anyone suggest or share their valuable gyaan on these TV units? Does any one already owns one? ANd I would really like to know if LG units have webOS update or not.
if you are going to use it just as tv...
would suggest go for a 1080p panel...believe me you wouldn't find any difference.

but if you are going to use it as a monitor.. then its a great option...make sure you have enough powered graphics card to drive it a 4k60hz
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