Which 700MB DVD rip format is the best

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Well...slight OT...

but i download couple of 350 MB .rmvb movies.. and the quality is exactly similar to even 700 MB aXXo rips..

I have no idea what the respective source were..but am quite curious about ripping it to 350 MB..!!

Any idea over how it can be done..??

Besides normally i rip my videos to xvid using Vdub..!!...How can i try H.264..?
You can get good quality if you know learn how to encode properly.

If you are using Xvid, you can use custom matrices suited for the movie which is being encoded and get maximum quality.

If you are using Xvid with Gordian Knot, you can define areas in the movie where you want bitrate to be low, like ending credits, etc.

But in the end, H264 > xvid.

rmvb is a good format, but i dont know how to encode into them.
but dunno... i had same Movie with two qualities..

Lord of war

Xvid was 700 MB
rmvb was 400 MB

and i even played both of them simulatenously... there was no difference in video..at times rmvb had good clarity.. and contrast was good..

I dont know the source of any of them...so there are chances that rmvb was encoded from HDTV/DVD....
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