CPU/Mobo Which AMD Config ?

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hi which one is better overall
1)msi rs480+amd3200 64bit(939 socket)+nvidia 6600gt 128mb
2)A8N-SLI+amd3200 64bit(939 socket)+nvidia 6600 128mb
plz help soon
As Stalker said let us know wht ur interested into nd mayb they will help......

cuz if u want to game ....then les than 6600gt wud b a compro
yogi1771 said:
how is this combo AMD 3200 939 64bit cpu+MSI Neo 4 F motherboard with PCI slot+6600 128 graphic card
sounds good but consider a gt if you are into gaming
wats ur budget actually
well the 6600 and 6600gt have grr8 perfomance diff

I wud suggest u get
Amd 64 3200+/3000+
Msi Neo4/Asus A8N-E(dont go 4 rs480)
XFX geforce 6600gt(or if u have the buks a 6800gt)
hi whats the market rate (mumbai) for this board asus a8v deluxe how is this board and what type of graphics card does it use agp or pci-e
when ur gonna get the A8N-SLI the sensible option would be the 6600GT cause the 6600 is useless i.e if u plan to add another card later
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