Monitors Which Among Is The Best {22" Monitor}

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iml3g3nd said:
i have 8800 gts 320 mb !! :(

no upgrades in GPU until Q4 2009.............

nyways whats the best 22 incher in the price tag??? that is >14k

no votes for samsung LG or AOC!!!

heard that samsung is good thou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the benq E2200 is priced @ approx 13k...........

1080p in a 22" monitor........ everything ll look small 1080p in a 24incher would be much better { my assumption }
and with my GPU there would be performance hit if i go beyond 1280 ryt

can someone comment !!!!!!!!!!

The text will definitely look smaller. If you like it, good for you... but you can always increase the DPI a bit if you don't. No issues there. But yeah, your GPU will definitely take a hit @ 1920X1200 with the new games. :)
+1 to Dell SP2208WFP as well.This monitor rocks comes with a HDMI port so it becomes a HD TV as well with consoles.
so whats the verdict??????????????????

which is the best 22 inch monitor under 14k!!!!!!!!

BenQ E2200

a non HD one will suite better with my 8800gts 320 thou :(
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