Which are good places to learn AutoDesk?

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Well my cousins want to do autocad and stuff...so i want to know which places in Mumbai offer these courses and what are the fees and all...

Id recommend MAAC (Maya Academy of Advance Cinematics).They offer various courses ranging from basic ones which include softwares like Photoshop etc to advanced ones like Im doing called AD3D which includes softwares like Maya, 3dsmax, Zbrush, final cut pro, etc.Fees depends on the course you have selected, PD3D is around 1.3 lacs ( which is a 3 years course) and AD3D is 2.5lacs (which is a 3.5 year course)
floccy bro..i think he asked for autocad...n imo, autocad is not included in any courses at maac...:no: Perhaps, u cud try Cadd center for autocad... Maac is basically teaching 3d softwares for use in film and animation...autocad is more for technical jobs..so u have to decide on tht..

PD3D is around 1.3 lacs ( which is a 3 years course) and AD3D is 2.5lacs (which is a 3.5 year course)

PD3D is a 3 yrs course?? :O :O I did it in 18 months...:lol: Thts what the duration is specified in the brochure as well...;)
cadd center is the best option for autocad..... trifle expensive though and i am sure there are less expensive options but be sure to enquire about the place before joining
@ Private Ryan: Eh??Iv joined Maac more than a year ago, and I still have a good 6 months left to complete Maya, after that I still have the compositing softwares.
where are you situated? Mumbai or any other place? Well, i did my pd3d from the main center at andheri west..sketching took 1.5 months, PS - 1 month, Max - 5 months, Maya - 7 months, Premiere n Cool edit pro - 1 month, After Effects n combustion - 3 months...;) And yeah i have to add this tht i was lucky tht there were no gaps in between the courses..some of my friends missed by a few days and then had to wait for a full month for the next module..adding up to the total duration...

Neways, even if u check their brochures, they have given a max of 18 months for the completion of pd3d...i do agree tht it shud be the minimum period, instead of calling it the max, but if it goes more than 2.5 years or so then it'll get yawningly boring..:no:
Why from dadar re..?? If u are from mumbai, then the best place to do it is the Main center at andheri...trust me on this..i'd been to tht dadar center..the classroom size as well as tht center head was enuf to look else where..fortunately some student at the dadar center told me to head straight to the head office at Veera desai road, andheri west...as he himself was fed up with the franchisee..n i must say this tht it was the right decision....the head office rocks..very very good instructors..i normally dont ever applaud these private institutes but this one institute changed my view...:) They are the best ppl to learn animation from, if u are in mumbai..
well my cousins have done civil engg and wanna do cad...and dadar is a very good option...can i have some contact details?
Yeah... then what u r lookin for is cadd center...

Check out their website....:: CADD Centre India ::.

and this is their dadar address..:


Add : Khandke Building,

No.12 ,Room No.61, Opp.Shivaji Mandir,

J.K.Sawant Marg, Dadar [West]

Mumbai-400 028.

Ph No : 022-24380033.

E-mail :caddcentre_dadar@rediffmail.com

Hope tht helps...:)
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