Which Bike do u own?

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yeah... that is impossible...... Stock X 135 and beating CBz, P150, naaah.... either your sis was riding those bikes or you are bull$#!tting :P :rofl:
@Headshot- Please lemme know how you figured out your bike does 105kmph when speedo(erroneous as per you) shows 75??:cool2:
A stock Max100 is meant to do 87kmph max@top gear with the engine tuned to give as MAX mileage as possible and that rugged piece of lo maintenance beauty did return 55-60kmpl max in top tune and sensible riding!!:hap2:

So you getting Best of both worlds- 69kmpl and 105 kmph!!:rofl: :rofl:
CALL TVS immediately and they will pay you handsomely for it to find out what you did to it that they couldn't!!:rofl: :rofl:

Assuming that you indeed get 69kmpl( considering your location and possible rejetting), Your bike won't fare any better than the 75kmph it shows!! That too with pathetic acceleration!!:cool2:
Maybe the supra-lean, fuel starved whiny engine's Increased WHINE(CRY) FOR MERCY/HELP makes it sound faster!!:rofl: :rofl:

In my few years of two-wheeled existence, I have found the older Suzuki, certain TVS models and CBZ meters to have least speedo error- about +3kmph @100kmph!!:cool2:

note: That 'AROUND 105kmph' thingie is very DICEY, What say Dipdude and The Mask??:ohyeah:
Me got- (1) Aug98 YAMAHA RX135 4speed;) :D (now Stock, with pal);
(2) Sep93 SUZUKI SHOGUN;) :ohyeah: (now Stock, with pal);
(3) Aug99 SUZUKI SHAOLIN:) (always stock, now idle);
(4) 83 RD350 purchased for restoration in May2002 and sold Jan2003, coz me needed SEVERE RESTORATION!!:rofl: :rofl:
note: Still got blocks/pistons, Expansion chambers, Factory Rally parts for different states of tune!!:hap2: :cool2:
Nikhil said:
yeah... that is impossible...... Stock X 135 and beating CBz, P150, naaah.... either your sis was riding those bikes or you are bull$#!tting :P :rofl:

lol...come n have a drag with me...i over rev a lot, shifting to 3rd on 55, 4th on 85, odd...as far as i know, i beat em all...thats the fact :bleh: :rofl:
@sunny- If the RX135 5speed is overrevved, you also pop out of the powerband, but the wrong side!!:@
The trick is to rev it really high (do you have an option!! ) but keeping it within the powerband always:ohyeah: !! Max acceleration in each gear:hap2: !!

Just noticed- 'Fanatic' member with 150th post:ohyeah: and that too while discussing bikes!!:rofl: :rofl:
Thats a NICE coincidence!!:P :hap2:
arre..i have a 5 speed...it has a higher powerband than a normal 4 speed :P
did one mod..changed front sprocket frm 15T to 16T...acceleration took a hit, but top speed increased like hell :ohyeah: and the speed i can go in each gear...
Increasing one tooth in the front = dropping almost 2-3 (in 135) at the rear!!
That relates to an increase in the range of 5-10kmph in the top speed(135's)!!:)

So in all likeliness, our master modder has outdragged them on a straight, long open stretch of road!!:clap:

Yes guys, believe him!! with that Final ratio he's got, P150s and CBZs can see him pass by when they are doing 110kmph!!:ohyeah:

But then with already low torque on the 5speed stock m/c, taking off from zero is pathetically slow:@ :@ !! Wouldn't try a 0-60 drag with the pulsars!!:rofl: :rofl:
I have a self made chart to help me decide- which final ratio will give me what top speed, for all my bikes!! Depended on what trip i take and requirements!!:cool2:
So the 3 m/c s above catered to that, depending on me going where!!:ohyeah:
rahul said:
no how much u mod (i mean in india with local components) no way 135 can make 20+ bhp that to on rear wheel ..... 2-3 months back there was a article in Overdrive about testing output of the bikes on dyno and 135 was last in that(percentage of claimed and actually) ..... stock 135 had 9.xx odd BHP ....

for track racing they use modded 135 that used to make max 15-16bhp and with all things stripped out(to reduce weight) it goes around 150-160kmph maxand believe me u can't ride that bike on road ......

and about the modded 135's(by road side mechanics) ....... its hadling is crap ..... the whole bike vibrates like hell and no control ..... i can take them anyday by mine modded CBZ(very first model) .....

I disagree with you on the part about using "local components" ( there is one 5spd of my friend using stock carb/reeds/exhaust but ported & running digital cdi which does a true 140kmph - on the radar gun not on speedo ). If you really have access to somebody who knows what they are doing, the rx can do magic :) A well designed expansion chamber can and will boost power output as much as 40%. It has to be custom made for every motor, generic ones like what you get in the market will not work well. Come to think of it, it is like choosing a particular processor stepping for overclocking.

Regarding that Overdrive article, the information published is wrong because they tested a rx135 4 spd and were comparing the power output to that of the rx135 5 spd. Its like comparing apples to oranges. The 4spd puts out 12bhp at the crank while the 5spd puts out 14bhp. So the dyno figure of 9.xxbhp was just about right for the 4spd model.
And trust me, track bikes pump out much more than what you mention. A 16bhp motor cannot pull a bike to 160kmph top speed, unless you push it down a cliff ! And this general perception of 2strokes having a narrow powerband is crap. On mine, the powerband is from 4.5k to 9.5k rpms ;)
Since you from Bangalore, You must know Pacer Yamaha and Shekhar Sir!!:)
And i dunno about 40% being practically possible but 15-20% is no sweat at all!!:ohyeah:
And pardon me but 'Average kya hai?' I mean fuel efficiency overall!!

My 4speed, ported+expansion+stock gearing, did around 125 kmph true, but managed 25 kmpl if ridden at 50-60 kmph strictly with no revving unnecessarily and slow and steady acceleration!!:)

The Beast, thats what my pals call the Shogun i have, was almost stock then;) , managed 125 kmph true But gave 30kmpl when ridden slow like the yam for mileage tests!!:clap:
It also did 20kmph in 4th gear, with pillion, total 165-170 kg or slightly more, And still managed to cross the Big but smooth speedbreakers and continue without sputtering or stalling, @ steady throttle!!:ohyeah: :rofl: :cool2:
Pacer yamaha had managed 17.5 BHP on their 4spd 135s and that too for their rally bike, way back in 2001 or 2002!!:D
Those bikes, with Rohitaaz Kumar from Chandigarh on one of them, Who had just shifted from TVS Racing to Pacer Yam, Being denied the championship the earlier year due to Unreliability of the high revving Shaolins, managed a true top speed of 135kmph and averaged 125kmph in certain sections!!:hap2:
The Shaolins were capable of 140kmph then!!:ohyeah:
Rohitaaz won the national rally championship that year, most probably 2001!!
But mind you that these were rally tuned and needed Reliability for long full blast runs and some effective midrange power too, much like i guess Vignesh's bike is, reliable and rideable!!:hap2: :cool2:

The track bikes squeeze out more( don't have actual figures), much more capable at top gear!! In fact a site called racing4india.com had featured one such bike then!!

A couple of Bandra boys imported a few RX King or something, the Malaysian model of Vignesh's 5speed RXZ (or Sunny's 135) and those Had 18bhp stock, unlike the Indian 14 bhp stock!!:P

Believe me or not, way back in 95/96, i had seen a 21bhp (on the dyno) shogun:ohyeah: , made with QUALITY stuff but not reliable or feasible enough for everyday use:( !! Just a few track runs and after a few hundred kms- Total Overhaul:rofl: :cool2: !! much like the F1 cars!!:P
Well i used to own a...

Yamaha Rx100

Suzuki Shogun

Suzuki Showlin(Got stolen :()

Now i just use a rikki :P...
@BIKeINSTEIN - I bought my bike from Pacer. I do the servicing myself, so after that I did not go back to them. I have of read about Shekar though.
I get around 34-35kpl [ ported, bigger reed block, flat slide carb, digital cdi from rddreams, stock silencer ] when driving in city with a few high speed blasts in inner ring road. This is possible only because of the digital cdi am running. The stock bike will not rev past 8k rpms max in any gear. Mine was clocked at 124kmph at the end of 800mts and pulls to 10k rpms in first 3 gears, about 9-9.5k rpms in 5th.
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