Car & Bike which bike to go for

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my needs are mostly commuting for work, weekend getaways around the city and roaming nearby my house....

requirements: decent looking bike... no ctc or
mileage atleast 40-45kmpl and power atlest 150cc

splendor and passion looks decent enough but sadly they are chic repellent.. hence looking for :

pulsar / cbz extreme / unicorn / hunk / apache rtr 160 etc.

which one would fit the bill best and also give good maintenance and servicing experience.

How good are the second hand bikes and where can one buy a second hand bike..... and where is the best palce to find them in mumbai...

PS: following a near fatal accident in my teens, i was restricted to sit ont he driver's seat of any vehicle... evena bycycle... finally i am planning to break out... with a two wheeler first followed by a four wheeler next year... hence the dumbness in this feild....:ashamed:

Ride all the bikes. Choose whichever you love.

All the bikes are very good. None of them have any major foibles. In the end, you are the one buying. You should enjoy riding. IT doesnt matter if the bike you buy is not the best bike according to critics or anything.

All bikes are quite reliable nad trouble free if you take good care of it and service it regularly.

Pulsar: Slightly harsh. More exciting to ride. Too common on roads. The hadnling and seating position is more sporty.

CBZ Xtreme: I hate this bike with every fibre of my body. So, I cant give you an objective opinion

Apache: Lovely bike. A little small for big people. Ride it.


Unicorn: More a commuter than anything else. Slightly more comfortable than most of the 150cc bikes. Super smooth engine and gearbox.
Pulsar (200 / 220) - Fresh tech / Overall looks / decent average / great service network / ready spares

Unicorn - Bland looks / dated technology / good average / great service network / ready spares

Hunk - Not to sure - your take

Cbz Xtreme - Outdated tech rest all good

Apache RTR FI - Fresh looks / new tech (FI / Digimeter) / good average / spares n service (me not too sure) / very reliable / good if you are around 5.5ft tall

I own a red P200. :)

Edit: And ya.. to top it all.. do as Nikhil says.. ride em' all and buy what your heart rides for ;)
bro i will say ...just go 4 pulsar as rtr is little 2 small...n chheckout new yamaha fz 1............awesome bike....ita ttracts chicks like magnet ...just 1 word man ....go 4 it..............n yup 1 new honda bika has come apart from unicorn ...decent looks so check out dat 2.........
What about the Yamaha FZ16... No one's mentioning that awesome bike??

Look for second hand bikes in newspapers and online classifieds...

Let me know if wanne buy a Unicorn ;) ... I'm tempted to sell mine and get the FZ16...
The FZ is a brilliant bike :D I got a Red one :)

Very smooth engine and gearbox. Cheap to change the colour of the bike.

The bike is very easy to just pick up and drive, don’t really need any biking experience for it. That is its very user friendly. :ohyeah:

And its the best looking bike in India :hap2: not the fastest :@
Fz is awesome.....

pulsar.........tooo comman.....every one has it.

Unicorn.......try to get the GP limited edition[only color diff]
isnt the fz16 at a tag of 75k on road>>>

even the FI version of the rtr is quite costly ....

Overall i think the Hunk should fit ur bill....if the fancy china lit odometer isnt ur fancy no1.....
i am more confused now... i will rule cbz and unicorn out... now the choice is between

yamaha or apache or pulsar...... btw i am 5.5ft only...

give my opinions in terms of service access + maintenance cost + handling, ride, pleasure + any other feature...

is yamaha good enough... the other two already have been under few revisions so all bugs are ironed out... what about yamaha...???

any idea for price... yamaha i know near 75k.. what about apache and pulsar 200...


Get the HH Hunk or RTR 160!!!

And if you can afford one,the Yamaha FZ-16...

They are all good,so it comes down to ur preference !


STYLING & RIDE = FZ16 (Yep,Luv it myself!)

dude i am 5.5 or a little less and i ride the karizma i am a national racer.... trust me dude if its in your mind you will never achieve your goals.... just look at it thius way i am a small guy with big dreams.... and trust me you will be able to handel the weight of the bike.... just be focased in your mind thats it.... if you really want to go for a bike i tyhink in the new series will be the FZ for sure.... but any others i would say then drop down to karizma.... or just take a second hand bike.... think about it.... think hard....think fast.... cause the more the option you have the longer you will take to decide....
dude ..... FZ16 is good for average height ppl too ..... its a light and zippy bike with the Best Handling(dnt flame plz,i ride it,thts y i can comment), awesome looks, and great engine ( YAMAHA ofcourse). Even a novice can ride this bike efficiently (ease of riding) and the posture is good too. If u can afford one, than surely go for it. Otherwise RTR can be the next option along with ZMA.

but i will say again, No bike can beat FZ16 for looks,handling and ease of riding. juts test ride one ( or better borrow it for 20-30 km ) and u'll know wat i mean.
d_boy said:
dude i am 5.5 or a little less and i ride the karizma i am a national racer.... trust me dude if its in your mind you will never achieve your goals.... just look at it thius way i am a small guy with big dreams.... and trust me you will be able to handel the weight of the bike.... just be focased in your mind thats it.... if you really want to go for a bike i tyhink in the new series will be the FZ for sure.... but any others i would say then drop down to karizma.... or just take a second hand bike.... think about it.... think hard....think fast.... cause the more the option you have the longer you will take to decide....

he mentioned his height because he was trying to say he was ok with the size of the apache. not because he was self-deprecating!

inspirational speech though!
sure i mention my height just for you people to help me decide if a bike would be comfortable...

going by the comments, i can see that pulsar is off coz its too common...

hunk, yamaha and apache is in the race... apache i know its good... although i have not read any reviews about yamaha and hunk.... if someone could direct me to some site were i can read honest non-manipulated non-advertised reviews... it would be great...

i will try for a test drive this weekend or on new year's eve..
r15 is a gr8 bike....

but does it fit in his budget??if u r ready to shelve ard 90k than save more and go for it else at max 80k...than go for others
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