Which camera do you own

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Meesa got a Sanyo Xacti S60(made in Japan) gifted to me last week by my dad. Was considering a Sony DSC-W70 or a W100 or even a Panasonic LX2(worried about the unfavourable reviews though) but am quite happy to get one for free :).
I sold off all my Nikon 35mm film cameras and lenses at the right time - when prices were still high :) .... but I still have 2 35mm film cameras which are in working condition - both of these are of pocket size. I am sure the Minox must be a collectors camera by now - it must be about 25 years old. The Olympus is around 20 years old.

I nearly forgot... I still have my HALF MP SONY Mavica which I bought about 10 years back :) stores pics on a floppy. 10x Optical zoom.
hmm lets start.

N73 - :P

Kodak 7590 - great point and click camera.

Canon EOS 400D

Canon EOS 350D- came as gift on 25th birthday just after i bought myself 400D :|
Anish said:
^ No pics, no talk :|

Anyways, my advice would be to sell both and get a 30D :ohyeah:

Is 30D even available here?
I havent seen it anywhere in mumbai.
I got 400D from US but i wont be able to import anything till june atleast.

I was planning to sell 350D and invest in better lenses.
I have EF-S 18-55 and tamron AF 18-200 xr di II at the moment.
^ Tamron 18-200 is a bad lens lol. CA by the dozen and lots of pincushion distortion at 200mm.

But since you already must have paid 17k, dump the 18-55 kit and get a 17-50 Tamron f/2,8, I'm buying one for sure. $200 cheaper than the 17-40 f/4L, and pretty much sharper, its a steal for $440 (US).
I am wella ware of the 18-200 limitations. Its not great lens. But that was the only one available here at jjmehta and i needed one to shoot certain family functions. Thats why i bought it. And to be honest its not as bad as u made it look like if you dont wana use it as primary lens. :P

I am going to buy 2 new lenses and i need one which can go beyond 200mm. Was looking at Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS and other one be 17-55 f/2.8.

Lets see. For now i am only deciding what to get. Purchase will be may end or june only.
Canon Powershot A430 :)

Had a Powershot A95......was quite bulky so gave it to my cuz and took his A430 :D
Funky said:
I am wella ware of the 18-200 limitations. Its not great lens. But that was the only one available here at jjmehta and i needed one to shoot certain family functions. Thats why i bought it. And to be honest its not as bad as u made it look like if you dont wana use it as primary lens. :P

I am going to buy 2 new lenses and i need one which can go beyond 200mm. Was looking at Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS and other one be 17-55 f/2.8.

Lets see. For now i am only deciding what to get. Purchase will be may end or june only.

Heh, yea, that's true, but a 105mm focal length is more than enuf for wedding.. unless.. *ahem* !

The 17-55 f/2.8 IS is gorgeous ! Straight $1k damage.

As for the tele, you mean the 70-300 DO IS USM ? Get the 70-200 f/4L IS with a 1.7x tele instead, waaay sharper ;)

Edit : Okay, sorry, u meant the f/4-5.6 :P, that's probably the cheapest telephoto with IS, so great buy !
broar94 said:
Sony Cybershot W5 here .. sucks!

it dsnt freakin suck....itz one of THE BEST camera ever launched by SONY and am nt not saying ths coz i own it bt coz of the features it has and the price @ wch it ws selling itslf iz enuf 2 say tht itz awsm....the slow shutter speed cn easily beat ny canon or nikon wch iz sellin @ the same price range...and if u r so unsatisfied wid ths cam thn y the hell dija buy it....dnt temme tht u bot it coz of the luks coz if u did thn u really suck.... and how cn u 4gt the VGA video recording @ 30fps….and btw imaging review rated it as an intermediate cam coz of the manual features it has….

the only bad points tht it has iz the 3x optical zoom wch iz a bit limiting and the macro mode wch iz limted to 50cms
^ 100% Agreed. I have the W1, and the shots it produces at high-resolution resized to med-res can rival many a kit lens DSLR ;)

The important thing is the shooting technique. Camera comes second ;)
^^ Exactly... Important thing is technique :)

anyways for me W810 :P
Bought an FZ50 a mnth back... got totally addicted to the SLR style of fotografy... plannin to get 30D after earning enough money :D
GOHAN said:
it dsnt freakin suck....itz one of THE BEST camera ever launched by SONY and am nt not saying ths coz i own it bt coz of the features it has and the price @ wch it ws selling itslf iz enuf 2 say tht itz awsm....the slow shutter speed cn easily beat ny canon or nikon wch iz sellin @ the same price range...and how cn u 4gt the VGA video recording @ 30fps….and btw imaging review rated it as an intermediate cam coz of the manual features it has….

the only bad points tht it has iz the 3x optical zoom wch iz a bit limiting and the macro mode wch iz limted to 50cms
overexposes some time.. . too bright light not accurate . but yea the pics are awesome thou :) .

and hey I need a faster camera this one takes some time to launch :P
Funky said:
I am wella ware of the 18-200 limitations. Its not great lens. But that was the only one available here at jjmehta and i needed one to shoot certain family functions. Thats why i bought it. And to be honest its not as bad as u made it look like if you dont wana use it as primary lens. :P
I am going to buy 2 new lenses and i need one which can go beyond 200mm. Was looking at Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS and other one be 17-55 f/2.8.
Lets see. For now i am only deciding what to get. Purchase will be may end or june only.

JJmehta has the 17-85 F/4-5.6 IS as well for ~27K. You should have purchased that instead of the shitty tamron :P. Anyway get 17-55 f/2.8 if u can afford it. If you want something cheaper and a bit slower, the tokina 19-35 f/3.5-4.5 is very close in sharpness for 1/5th the cost. Most ppl say the 17-44 is better than the 24-70 f/2.8 in sharpness. Whatever you do, don't buy the 17-40 f/4L. Its a lame lens for 600$. I managed to compare my tokina copy with a 17-40 this time and I have to say I was very very disappointed by the latter :P.
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