Techie#1 said:
does it plays DivX 6 too?
thatz what the website says , i havent checked as yet .
About the lag in certain movies in my previous post , yea , its becos of the packed bitstream thingy , as prescribed by blady , got the s/w , it requires you u have the dotnet framework installed on your system , so got that too . unpacked the movie , and voila , its smooth as it shud be

. Mostly the xvid movies have packed bitstream.
The unpacking is a very simple procedure , u jus got to uncheck the packed bitstream option and save the file , takes not more 30-40 odd secs , and doesnt increase the file size too or mebbe not by a considerable extent cos i cudnt notice it

. That makes me wonder , whatz the use of the packed bitstream thingy ? . Blady can u give a good link where i can start off with the introduction to various formats and the various encoding techniques . Thanks in advance .