As the title says... which game/ games do you keep going back to time and again to have a play-through? It could be Single Player or Multiplayer, could be an old title or a newer one but as long as it pulls YOU back just when you think you've had enough of it... you can mention it here! (PC, Consoles, Handhelds but preferably no mobile games).
I like to call such a game "A Comfort Blanket", something that always remains installed your gaming HDD/ SSD for you to jump back in whenever you desire!
Mine would be Hitman World of Assassin (WoA). I absolutely love the 3 titles in this series and have replayed them countless times. Trying different methods, doing the challenges and planning in my head alternate approaches to take down targets has been such a treat! This game has really made me think about each mission and come back to it, repeatedly. Each time I pull off a different strategy with success it leaves me with a very gratifying feel. Getting good at a title with practice and knowing that you have mastered the different levels with the hours you have clocked on each of them is something unparalleled. Of course I have been a fan of Hitman since the first game Codename: 47 came out in the year 2000 but the newer WoA saga always remains installed on my gaming SSD for me to slip into it's world and enjoy it whenever I want.
Please do mention your Comfort Blanket games as well folks... will be fun to know!
I like to call such a game "A Comfort Blanket", something that always remains installed your gaming HDD/ SSD for you to jump back in whenever you desire!
Mine would be Hitman World of Assassin (WoA). I absolutely love the 3 titles in this series and have replayed them countless times. Trying different methods, doing the challenges and planning in my head alternate approaches to take down targets has been such a treat! This game has really made me think about each mission and come back to it, repeatedly. Each time I pull off a different strategy with success it leaves me with a very gratifying feel. Getting good at a title with practice and knowing that you have mastered the different levels with the hours you have clocked on each of them is something unparalleled. Of course I have been a fan of Hitman since the first game Codename: 47 came out in the year 2000 but the newer WoA saga always remains installed on my gaming SSD for me to slip into it's world and enjoy it whenever I want.
Please do mention your Comfort Blanket games as well folks... will be fun to know!