Which Game servers do u want in India ?

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spindoctor said:
how about left 4 dead dedicated servers? i'm not sure what the logistics are but it would be very handy to play on low ping dedicated servers. i have tried hosting a listen server and even 1 person connecting lagged the whole thing out miserably on my home connection.

I also would really, really like this. Is it possible?

Plus the server would almost always be in use. There are a few guys from GI who would like to play on it as well.
where is strategy games ( warcarft 3) dota and command and conquer red alert 3 :|
not interested this games ?
@ Arun - Its not about not being intrested... i can very well host a Dota or C&C server.... the point is there is just no demand as people play over GGclient :)
:P .Any chance of MMORPG games??? zapak is getting kinda boring.

MMORPG is just getting popular among females worldwide .[gaia online ,guilds war etc ].do indian girls play games other than mario.
Team Fortress 2 seems to be the most sensible game to host at the moment. We have a good number of people. It's just that they need to stopped from wandering off to foreign servers! :bleh:
That's kind of the problem. No one's promoting those servers and keeping the regulars (if any) together. That's the thing with V-Street when they had TF2 servers. Every night, the server would be full between 11 PM and 2-3 AM. I think the server went down for a while and people just stopped coming back.

If you host one, make sure you get people to play there regularly and keep it a pub server ffs ;P Start running clan-servers and then the rest get bored and go play on servers abroad. That's also what happened when TF2 took off here.
I can easily count 40-50 people who play tf2 on SG servers from India. I know there are more.

The problem is that our servers tend to lag so much even with low pings that it is virtually impossible to play. Thats why we switch back to SG.

I would say, the only server that will give u full server is CS, but that isnt doing anything out of the ordinary. And if you are really intrested in hosting a server, you should have a forum attached where you build your userbase who will play there regularly, like how it happened with LYN Lowyat forums.

If TE had a server, with a dedicated TF2 subforum, you think no one would play?

i know... thats y i am not putting up a CS server... there are already too many up as of now... maybe will start one later on....

COD is the one that is the most wanted.... followed by TF2 and then GRID.....

Ill see and get one of these servers up by next week or so :)
A new TF2 server would be great, but I doubt if it will get filled.

MOST of the pubbers from the old v-street server days have now formed clans and are more interested in scrimming. They might pub for a little while, but I'm pretty certain they would get bored and go back to the PUG/scrim servers.

So I suggest you host TF2 only if u've run out of options.
Karan how about a Q3 CPMA server? Strange that no one has suggested this so far even though I do see a handful of votes.
Voted TF2.

Previously VS, Indiatimes and Indiangamersleague have provided us with 24 slot server but they used to lag when server had above 16 players, making many leave. If you can provide us a server which can handle 24 players at one time without any issues, then I promise a lot of traffic on this server. Also give out rcons to atleast 5-6 people, atleast one from each Tf2 clan from India so that we dont have any map changing issues.

Our community has around 200 players out which 40 play very actively on SG servers, also many of our players have high ping issues on SG servers so they have become inactive, I'm sure if we have a good server up we will have more players.
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