Which is a better phone: Sony Ericcson W705 or Nokia 5800?

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H@cKer said:
If u want it for pure music listening then get the sony otherwise get 5800.I hv tested ep-630 on a w610i and 5800.I mst say se beats nokia hands down when it comes to pure music listening.5800 cant drive the ep-630 properly u need to get an external amp to enhance the audio quality.

Are you being paid by se or what ?

I am using ep630 with 5809 for two monts , it can very well drive ep630 . In fact i dont even need to turn the volume to highest when i'm indoor . Only while i'm in bus i turn it to highest . I think you have some serious problem with your ear go check a doctor.

I dont know of a single earpiece problem in indian 5800s , that is mostly North american version(they use different freq so thier phone are made separately) specific proble and that issue have been solved in all new phone since february. Nokia have publicly stated the fault and will change the earpiece to a new one.
i am pretty much sure people who are complaining about earpoece problem dont have the phone and only bluffing about what they have heard in internet.
The screen problem is present in some indian version . Luckily three of my friend have bought this phone(including myself) and only one had that problem . His piece was a preordered one , so i think that might be related to early build. And even if the problem arise nokia care will replace the LCD coz it is a known problem.
The only genuine problem is slight gap in upper right corner , which is annoying but dont seem to cause any problem in durability. My phone survived few drops.
And about sound quality , please be known that 5800 was meant to compete with iphone/ipod touch sound quality wise , read the reviews , in every single reviews 5800 beated iphone and ipod touch, i think that says enough abt sound quality.
^^ Ditto .. problems are related to January 2009 or earlier packages, the newer ones are fine ...

As far as the sound goes, the N5800 works fine with EP630, and does sound a tad better than most phone's i've tried ... things change over time ... At some point some time back, SE did sound better than "Music Edition" Nokia phones, but things are much different now .. Plus Music Edition phone were basically the same model with music related free upgrades - like for the N73, N73ME was basically the same phone bundled with 2 GB card, and a 3.5mm headphone adapter, and a slightly re designed music player interface ... u expect great sound improvements from this then u're a moron ..

Also, about the N5800 .. the battery life is something i can vouch for. . its simply fuber ..
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Oli said:
Awesome reply......was just waiting for this, I have a ep-630, and a ep-830 and I just wanted to know if it sounded better on a se or a 5800, thanks for the reply

Overall Nokia 5800>>>>W705 --> Everyone Accepts "No argument"

Sound Quality 5800~W705 --> "Opinions differ"

In my opinion SQ 5800>W705 --> Since 3.5mm Jack's presence is the deciding factor.

Also Earpiece problem in 5800 is not present anymore and the devices which are being sold after Mar2009 will not have that problem.

Also check out MR forum and get the peoples opinion and you will find 5800 is far better.

If you want the phone to be a overall fun providing device go with 5800.

The things which are better in 5800 are

* Bigger and better display with higher resolution
* Very good for videos
* Better in SQ (Opinions differ in this aspect)
* Better SW (Lot of applications)
* Excellent for Web browsing
* Better Speakers

and lots more...

If you want a phone that excels in SQ alone then its a tough decision as opinions differ in this regards.

Check out this page "http://www.mobile-review.com/review/sonyericsson-w705-en.shtml"

Raider123 said:
In my opinion SQ 5800>W705 --> Since 3.5mm Jack's presence is the deciding factor.

Presence of a 3.5mm jack means jack to SQ. It may be a deciding factor for what phone you choose, but its not a deciding factor for SQ.

Nokia 5800 has pretty avg audio quality. Its like the Apple iPod, a device that's marketed as an exceptional audio centric device, but fails to deliver on audio quality. I haven't had a listen of W705, but SE phones generally have better audio quality. Personally I found that my older P910i sounded a lot better with the bundled ear buds than my 5800 with the LX90.

Raider123 said:
* Bigger and better display with higher resolution
* Very good for videos
* Better in SQ (Opinions differ in this aspect)
* Better SW (Lot of applications)
* Excellent for Web browsing
* Better Speakers

I would agree with some of those points but not all.

5800 has exceptional video quality and a great device for watching movies. Its also powerful enough to handle very high bit rates at high resolutions. If not for the battery life, it can easily replace any PMP for video. Its also decent for web browsing.

SQ, I do not know how it compares to W705, buts its way below what I would call good audio. The same goes for speakers. I do not know how W705 fares in this aspect, but 5800 speakers are not that great. They are loud, but definitely not what I would call good quality.
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thanks for replying .....I know that its going to be difficult to decide for a better phone on the basis of sound quality alone. It's really painful to go through a situation where you buy a phone, you feel that you made a wrong decison and then you've got to sell it or give it to someone in the family
How big is the screen size of 5800, compared to say Zune and a PSP.

I wanted to buy something like a PSP, which could play videos and also some songs. Am confused actually, between the PSP and the 5800.

Has anybody tried both the PSP and the 5800?

Am also waiting for the PSP GO. With its 16gb internal memory, and it the price tagging is right, it cud hit the sweet spot.:ohyeah:
pradeep200417 said:
How big is the screen size of 5800, compared to say Zune and a PSP.

I wanted to buy something like a PSP, which could play videos and also some songs. Am confused actually, between the PSP and the 5800.

Has anybody tried both the PSP and the 5800?

Am also waiting for the PSP GO. With its 16gb internal memory, and it the price tagging is right, it cud hit the sweet spot.:ohyeah:

I have both PSP and Nokia 5800. So I guess I can answer your question.

5800 has a 3.2" screen @ 640 x 360 resolution. PSP has a 4.3" screen @ 480 x 272. Video playback quality wise, I would say 5800 completely out classes the PSP. After watching a video on the 5800, you can see the individual pixels on a PSP if you play a video.

On the other hand, PSP is a far more practical device for video playback. Despite the video quality. The battery on 5800 doesn't last much for video playback. I can watch about a movie and a half before the battery runs out. On the PSP-2000, you can watch about 3 movies with the stock battery and you can increase that with high capacity batteries.

In the end if you want a device solely for video, PSP is a much better bet. If you want music too, then both devices are bad choices. I would suggest you get a PMP from COWON.
Lord Nemesis said:
I have both PSP and Nokia 5800. So I guess I can answer your question.

5800 has a 3.2" screen @ 640 x 360 resolution. PSP has a 4.3" screen @ 480 x 272. Video playback quality wise, I would say 5800 completely out classes the PSP. After watching a video on the 5800, you can see the individual pixels on a PSP if you play a video.

On the other hand, PSP is a far more practical device for video playback. Despite the video quality. The battery on 5800 doesn't last much for video playback. I can watch about a movie and a half before the battery runs out. On the PSP-2000, you can watch about 3 movies with the stock battery and you can increase that with high capacity batteries.

In the end if you want a device solely for video, PSP is a much better bet. If you want music too, then both devices are bad choices. I would suggest you get a PMP from COWON.

I guess the devices from cowon would probably cost me more than 15k.

Any COWON device available which would cost less than 15k and have a screen as big as a PSP?
For less than 15k, check out Archos 605 WiFi. It has the same size screen as the PSP (i.e 4.3") and has a resolution of 800 x 480. Its available with both HDD and Flash memory options
Lord Nemesis said:
For less than 15k, check out Archos 605 WiFi. It has the same size screen as the PSP (i.e 4.3") and has a resolution of 800 x 480. Its available with both HDD and Flash memory options

Would it be cheaper if i get it from KMD and that too the HD version?
personally id say get the SE coz the Nokia 5800 will annoy the hell out of u with its unresponsive touch nd its kind blocky so it will stick out of ur pocket and will feel very uncomfortable..
if ur a music dude u want the non-touch with hard buttons..
I had the 5800, its got great battery and stuff but the touch is sooo bad..
I think I am a bit late to this thread...

I had a SE phone (W810i) before my 5800. SQ of my w810i (especially in the bass side) beats the nokia 5800 all the way down to hell.

The stock headphones of 5800 is crap and so I had to buy one inear for my 5800. I brought an ep-630 yesterday.

With the stock headphones, I had to put the volume all the way up 100%, to hear anything while I am on the road. Now, after I snugly fit the ep-630, I can hear very loud and clear the sound with just 30%-40% volume level. If I increase it beyond that, it's becoming loud enough to piss me off :ohyeah:.

But to say, the ep-630 is having a very boomy bass with my 5800. I dont know whether this is my trouble or not. I have loaded the same favorite songs that I used to listen on my w810i and the bass is not that distinct in my 5800. W810i is way better. This is from my own experience and not a copy-paste :)

Overall, quality perception changes with time. I remember the days when I used to watch videos on VCR and listen with awe, when someone described their experience with a movie on a CD. Now, we have come a long way and even Blue-ray discs and HD videos seeems to be not good enough:bleh:
^^ good to hear about your own experience and not cpy paste :)

I finally purchased two phones. w705 and w980. the sq of both are the same. The only thing with w980 is that it has some sort of lights that play according to the music, which gives a better 'visual' experience to the audio. But I'm still to figure out a way to keep it continuously on, it goes off within half a minute until you touch a button on the flap.
What surprised me the most was the sound quality through the sony in ear earphones. They were better than the creative ep-830. I did not expect that. The model no of the earphone is hpm-77.

I heard the n95 before purchasing and assumed that the sound of the 5800 would be the same as the n95. It has good sound, but I think that these new se phones have better sound. Hence I went in for it.

The w980i does not have wifi, the w705i has. But the w980i has a fm transmitter, which can be used to transmit your audio to a fm receiver (radio). So if you're travelling by car, and you have fm in it, you can play your songs wirelessly over the radio. The range of the fm transmitter was good, I asked the people sitting behind (in the car) to hold the phone, and there was no loss in quality (no disturbance, although this may vary under different circumstances)

I brought the se705 for 15600 and the se980 for 18000.

The w980i:

:hap2::hap2::hap2:Thanks for all the replies:hap2::hap2::hap2:
saumik_ said:
^ aren't those prices a bit too steep? specially the w705 is it really worth 15.6k? i think not

it now costs 13.5, and the nokia 5800 costs the same (with a free sennheiser headset)
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