which is best motherboard under 4300

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i would stay away from the MSI ones in the low- end segment.
Get the Gigabyte MA785GM-US2H (4.5k). Its 200 bucks costlier but its very stable and has been proven to unlock lotsa cores.

Link for the know-how to unlocking here

Get the Gigabyte MA785GM-US2H (costs 4500 and supports DDR2 but is more stable than the MSI board.)

Unlocking guide HERE
am also in line buyinng of a mobo am3 type
atlast found this mobo was good
Gigabyte GA-770TA-UD3
but dopntk now from where to buy

how about this mobo
Biostar TA790GX A3+ 16GB DDR3
antonieo said:
am also in line buyinng of a mobo am3 type
atlast found this mobo was good
Gigabyte GA-770TA-UD3
but dopntk now from where to buy

how about this mobo
Biostar TA790GX A3+ 16GB DDR3

buy from itwares , yesterday got my graphic card and today will place an order for motherboard and proccy
AFAIK for 4.3K, only ddr3 boards you could consider are msi 785g-e51 and biostar 785g hd. If you want a ddr2 board, there are many options.
antonieo said:
cqan u say the individual cost and from where u buying?

dont know the exact prices but i believe proccy is around 5.5k

ordered today to itwares rahul he will ship it tomorrow night [his usual routine]
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