Which is the Best 37 incher ?

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If you are using it as a computer monitor as well then it was a very good choice as the higher resolution would definitely help.
is it just me or does the original kuro look better tan ta second gen kuro in ta pic?? an also doesnt the led samsung only come in like 70" size? so the screen in ta pic looks pretty small for tat..(Chaos dont want to pick a fight.. jus wonderin..:) )

Offtopic: Chaos saw ta hitachi lcd 2day.. liked it but dad decided he doesnt want anything less than 50" now .. so wil hav 2 wait for a bit for the prices 2 fall ! :(
amityrock said:
is it just me or does the original kuro look better tan ta second gen kuro in ta pic?? an also doesnt the led samsung only come in like 70" size? so the screen in ta pic looks pretty small for tat..(Chaos dont want to pick a fight.. jus wonderin..:) )

Offtopic: Chaos saw ta hitachi lcd 2day.. liked it but dad decided he doesnt want anything less than 50" now .. so wil hav 2 wait for a bit for the prices 2 fall ! :(

Thats the 52" samsung LED.

Samsung LE52F96BD 52in LED LCD TV - TrustedReviews
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