Which is the BEST P2P download software...?

saqib_khan said:
What? U mean to say utorrent for downloading torrent, right?

BTW, my vote goes to shareaza and limewire.

Note: Torrent is the name of the file you download....for the purpouse of downloading the actual file you need

ACtaully BitTorrent was the first company who released this concept on p2p sharing and own TM name on this protocol......Thats why he was right while saying that.......

Thats why we say uTorrent is a BitTorrent client (and not just Torrent Client)

I personally prefer uTorrent as BitTorrent client.....Its light on your CPU and hardware while downloading for long hours....
Utorrent is by far the best P2P downloading software. its all i use, i dont like any of the other programs as Utorrent seems to be the best.
Use Vuze if your system can handle it as its a memory hog .. Else use deluge on Linux or uTorrent on Win ..
for music i prefer to use Limewire ..
If you can pay $11 montly then go for Asstra Web Usenet access that has more content than anything else ..