Unlike iPhone or WP7, Android based phones lag a lot. Its really annoying to see this as it destroys the user experience on a phone that would cost us 20 to 30 grands, even more at times.
So far I've got my hands on Motorola Milestone and Samsung Galaxy S. Both at one point were high-end phones but would lag terribly. I've tried a multitude of Custom Roms on SGS but in terms of UI smoothness, App responsiveness and Lag free experience they've never been satisfying for a user coming from iPhone.
So the point of this thread is to figure out the most lagfree, smooth and responsive Android Phone as of now without or with a particular custom ROM
(General usage)
Let in your responses, they're valuable!
So far I've got my hands on Motorola Milestone and Samsung Galaxy S. Both at one point were high-end phones but would lag terribly. I've tried a multitude of Custom Roms on SGS but in terms of UI smoothness, App responsiveness and Lag free experience they've never been satisfying for a user coming from iPhone.
So the point of this thread is to figure out the most lagfree, smooth and responsive Android Phone as of now without or with a particular custom ROM
(General usage)
Let in your responses, they're valuable!