Which LED TV to go for?

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Got the TV wall mounted on 2nd day after getting in touch with Philips. My crappy Cable connection looks bearable. Played some full HD movies and the clarity is good. Since I am coming from LCD, feel that the screen is a bit reflective. Some clarity is loud and clear. Much bettet than my older Sony LCD. There is one option for surround sound, but could not really notice much difference. Perhaps having a movie with good audio is needed to hear the difference. The remote control has decent quality and is small enough to be handled easily.

All is all, a good option at the rate of around 32k. But one thing I didn't like is the on screen menu. It's too basic. Even my old Sony LCD had better menu more than 5 years ago.
Sorry to bump thread.. But this is one of the few recent philips ones i saw.
I'm only interested in Phillips due to its insane refresh rates (240hz). Is this a gimmick or is it actually twice as much as its competitors (lg/panny) in the same price range?
Any pointers would be appreciated since I plan to buy one for the family when offers start rolling in during dashera/diwali.
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