Which Linux For Me?

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ok i am this first year student .not at all comfortable with UNIX OS!!!
so which linux should i try first and plz tell waht is the latest LInux ut there??
and which will be better for a amateur
There are many good flavors of Linux out there, but considering this is your first foray into Linux, I would suggest either DreamLinux or Ubuntu as being the easier Distributions to start with.
Ubuntu = Linux Mint [version 8.04] has lots of bugs..

Mandriva 2008.1 . I won't recommend it as 2009.0 will be released soon so better wait :)

I would say wait for a month , alll of the distro will be updated with newer release :)
Dark Star said:
Ubuntu = Linux Mint [version 8.04] has lots of bugs..

i think i recall you've faced problems with ubuntu 8.04 during installation/setup thats why.

for me it has been silky smooth on my home desktop, laptops, and office PCs :D
Dark Star said:
Ubuntu = Linux Mint [version 8.04] has lots of bugs..

Mandriva 2008.1 . I won't recommend it as 2009.0 will be released soon so better wait :)

I would say wait for a month , alll of the distro will be updated with newer release :)

Most of that bugs have been fixed with 8.04.1:D
:D thats all what you can expect from a malayali ;) read my profile.I already gave caveat that I only knows malayalam properly :P

@rao: apt-get install sensors-applet .now right click on panel and add.also ,you can use hardware-monitor (apt-get install!) which also does the same job.


before that configure lm-sensors(apt-get install it!) and run "sensors-applet" as root in terminal.it will add the necessary modules to load in /etc/modules file.

then ,for current session ,you just modprobe whatever module and in terminal see whether "sensors" shows the output.

posted this if it helps someone ;)

btw ppl , "sudo sux" ! I mean I dont like sudo.but ubuntu integrated with sudo.so I ,apt-get install sux . so ,afterwards ,do a "sudo sux" in terminal to get a root terminal with all X credentials exported.I know you will say "sudo su -" .but you cannot invoke a gui from su root.try from sux !
vishalrao said:
i think i recall you've faced problems with ubuntu 8.04 during installation/setup thats why.

for me it has been silky smooth on my home desktop, laptops, and office PCs :D

Huh ,that wasn't a bug that was just Ethernet / Instaler Crash , apart from that I had a Ubuntu 8.04.1 setup but things haven't changed , drives still don't mount automatically, pathetic font selection [not a bug though], and booting problem and eventually great ubuntu updates kiled my system :|
^Ahemm :P once upon a time ...there was a ubuntu boy... ;) and now? kya se kya ho gaya?


One thing I have to say - I installed using Debian installer(ncurses based text installer).so ,no idea reg ubiquity bugs.
praka123 said:
^Ahemm :P once upon a time ...there was a ubuntu boy... ;) and now? kya se kya ho gaya?
One thing I have to say - I installed using Debian installer(ncurses based text installer).so ,no idea reg ubiquity bugs.
running ubuntu x64 8.04

no problems faced till now
well had a few difficulties like

auto mounting a new h d to system
initial sound volume low
etc etc

but ubuntu forums/unofficial ubuntu guide were better than i expected.

now i have even completely forgotten terminal commands i used from those sites as it was one time affair! never had to look at those settings again.
make sure HAL is running.even I am on X86_64 (C2D) .for me ,it simply imports photos from my canon powershot A590 IS camera or from pendrives or using my logitech webcam(gspca driver) or an external harddisk(Toshiba) auto mounted. :) ofcourse ,I have customized the distro to my choice ;)
Actually DreamLinux IMHO it is much more noob friendly to install and 3.4 should be out any day. Check out Distrowatch Dreamlinux is# 8. Yes I know that Ubuntu is #1 but it has also been available for a lot longer. Considering that DreamLinux does not have the kind of funding that Ubuntu does and is supported by a small and growing community and designed by just a few individuals, it is fast becoming stiff competition to Ubuntu. Latest versions are here and are all liveCd's.
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