CPU/Mobo which mobo to get and thoughts about processor.

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hi guys i need your help to select mobo and processor.first i would like to discuss about processor then i will come to mobo part. i selected amd p2x4 955 be .. i will use my system for gaming,animation etc. i want to know whether this processor is worth for user who does all sorts of things on his pc. basically i am more into gaming but i am also willing to learn animation. so do you guys think it will be good to go for it.first i want to clear about processor .also tell the cost of the processor in hyderabad. my budget for the pc without gfx is 27 k.

please help of with this.
i forgot to say,i am planning to play games like. ..
far cry 2
gear of war series
gta 4
devil may cry 4
battle field company 2 and others. so does this processor perform well for these games.
the processor is good

but is ur budget of 27k only for processor amd mobo or everything except gfx card???
can any body tell their views about the processor please and also any body from hyderabad pm me so that i can talk to them about the prices in ctc.....
@rahulyo thanks for the price...............

now my doubts about procy are cleared.

now i want to know which mobo to go for ..

.my budget for mobo is 5k and intersted in am3 board and atx..

also if possible tell the price of mobo .
ASUS M4A77TD Pro AM3 = 5400/-

ASUS M4A78LT-M LE AM3 = 4625/-

ASUS M4A78-EM-1394 = 4450/-

ASUS M4A78LT-M LE DDR3 = 4200/-

Gigabyte MA785GM-US2H = 4350/-

MSI 785GM-E51 AM3 = 5000/-
@ rahulyo you suggested me all 785 mobos.why not 790 gx mobos ... and i want a mobo with best overclocking support and performance.
790GX n above series from MSI are wld be really gud option to consider...i use 790gx-g65 with Phenom 2 550 BE...great overclocker!...have got gud results on stock cooling(whch neway m upgrading next month)...pretty stable! plus the added onboard DIP overclocking switches and auto overclock are an added advantage if u are a beginner! another superb feature is the onboard reset and clr CMOS switches!gr8 value for money!..although may set u back by a grand if ur budget's limited to 5k!
Nishu said:
i forgot to say,i am planning to play games like. ..


far cry 2

gear of war series

gta 4

devil may cry 4

battle field company 2 and others. so does this processor perform well for these games.
Processor is awesome, where is the GRAPHICS CARD?
sorry for late reply my internet connection got disconnected for few day..
i didnt plan about graphic card i will post about it later in graphic card section...
thanks for your replys,....
what about biostar ta790 gx a3 mobo
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