Which of the foll two plans is better for torrent downloads?

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Which plan makes better sense for me:- 1)725Kbps or 2)1Mbps upto 25Gb and 512Kbps after that? Currently suing a 512Mbps plan and usually download over 50GB data. First plan costs ard. 880 per month while the second one costs 1350.
whats your rig details......... then one would know how much power u spend for downloading that much.........

just compare the cost of the two plans......

1. 800 + cost of power for using pc to download 50GB

2. 1350 + cost of power for using pc to download ......GB, plus u wont have to wait anymore more videos and music streaming till FUP of 25GB lasts........ that will be one more advantage.....
You will be able to download 50GB of data in the same amount of time.

25 GB at 1Mbps + 25 GB at 512Kbps = 50 GB at 725Kbps

Though if you look at it accurately then the 1Mbps plan will save you some time. However as you go beyond the 50GB mark you will save more time on the faster 725Kbps plan.

So power cost remains the same and time to download 50GB remains the same. To me its a no-brainer to choose the one that costs less.
Does your place have Reliance Wimax or Wireline? I have been using there Wimax 1mbps plan for over 4-5 months now, and havent had a single problem with it till now (touchwood)..I get full download speeds andthe biggest advantage over Airtel - Reliance has no Stupid FUP...so you get what you pay for and no half baked unlimited plan like Airtel.

Actually it's asianet internet in trivandrum.Their upload rates are crappy but download rates are pretty stable and there is seldom any downtime.
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