Car & Bike Which One : Buying a Hassle free / no nonsense / reliable 150cc+ bike !?

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I currently own a Kinetic Laser.

1. Am looking for a 150cc+ bike with decent styling.
(No Unicorn please - I feel its plain boring)
2. Daily riding about 20 kms / Weekends 60-80kms.
3. I don't get/have time to look after small niggling problems.
(Work doesn't allow me to)

Top Priorities:

1. Extremely reliable.
2. Less / No hassle maintenance.
3. Good styling.

Shortlisted candidates :

1. Apache RTR 160 / FI
(Don't know how much more to wait for the FI - Is the regular RTR a good bet ?)
2. Pulsar 200
(Have the initial issues (lots of them!!) being sorted out ?)
(Would it be a hassle free / relaible option ?)
3. Hunk
(Not too keen on this one)

Few question's

1. Does Apache have a good service centre around Dadar / Sion ?
2. Does Pulsar 200 have a good service centre around Dadar / Sion ?
(I stay at Sion / Work at Dadar.)

Pour in your input's guys.
rajshah said:
I currently own a Kinetic Laser.

1. Am looking for a 150cc+ bike with decent styling.
(No Unicorn please - I feel its plain boring)
2. Daily riding about 20 kms / Weekends 60-80kms.
3. I don't get/have time to look after small niggling problems.
(Work doesn't allow me to)

Top Priorities:

1. Extremely reliable.
2. Less / No hassle maintenance.
3. Good styling.

Shortlisted candidates :

1. Apache RTR 160 / FI
(Don't know how much more to wait for the FI - Is the regular RTR a good bet ?)
2. Pulsar 200
(Have the initial issues (lots of them!!) being sorted out ?)
(Would it be a hassle free / relaible option ?)
3. Hunk
(Not too keen on this one)

Few question's

1. Does Apache have a good service centre around Dadar / Sion ?
2. Does Pulsar 200 have a good service centre around Dadar / Sion ?
(I stay at Sion / Work at Dadar.)

Pour in your input's guys.

Ok firstly meesa no Motoring Guru but some of my friends're.. :P

So among the shortlisted candids,

The RTR has exceptional handling apparently.. Much better than the pulsars..
Forget the Kunk, Lo'l.. :lol:

As u may know, P200 had some probs but not anymore..
It doesn've a Kick-start but my friend who oiwns it had no probs with the battery ever..

Bajaj has gr8 Cust-Service as well..

Take ur pick... :)
^ thanks for ur inputs buddy !

Since how long does your friend own the P200 ? I mean.. is it from the initial few lots... which had tonsa problems or from the newer batches ?

Does it get really cold where he stays ?
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