Which one - WDTV (Rs 5475) Or WDTV Live (Rs 6582) ?

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apextwin146 said:
I have been following this thread closely for a while now. I am still not sure of what to buy since the discussion here has mostly been on what these players can do apart from playing HD stuff. So can anyone guide me as to which is the best player than can play virtually any format thrown to it? I mean i already have a Downloading Rig and other things so the main function that matters to me is the format compatibility like The AC Ryan Mini has issues playing WMV(or atleast some versions of it) etc.

Playon plays almost any file. Now.. the files it did not play are
- Edited wmv files - Not all of them... a few.. wonder?
- Videos shot from Sony Cybershot digital camera

Other than that, I guess I tried everything.... including iso, m2ts etc... and It played without any issues.

Apart from that, I found the forward - rewind options, memory of where u stopped the file the last time u saw, user interface... all good for the Playon.

If u do not want to do decipher how to configure it to d/l using bittorrent, then, the playon Mini is a very good buy!
@ ajab.ghajab - Bought it from singapore and it comes around INR 5.5k. But its very portable and looks good. Needs a couple of FW revisions though...
Hi frnds.. I am planning to get WD s HD TV Live from US... (one of my frnd is coming down next week)

I hav finally decided to get it after a lot of Web reviews etc... Playon s a little heavy on d pocket... I am getting the WD-live for 106$ from amazon tats jus 5750 bugs...

BUT The issue of concern is that the US model

(NTSC): WDBAAN0000NBK-NESN supports only NTSC

whereas tat available in INDIA supports PAL

either of the 2

(apac=asia pacific)

(emea=europian) i guess it shd be APAc...watever

* Order/Model Number APAC (PAL): WDBAAP0000NBK-PESN

* Order/Model Number EMEA (PAL): WDBAAP0000NBK-EESN

IS the NTSC a problem..

My question

1. will it work on indian tvs

2. will it play thru only ntsc dvd s or blu rays

3. will there be any issue as far as clarity is concerned...

pls help////

Thanks in advance
Praks said:
I will stick to WDTV Live as I can claim warranty in India too even if its imported from US.

I guess for Play On, that Mr Ranga is the only one i have to hunt around.

Chetan- Thanks for sharing bro. But again paying VAT for china item & that too without any warranty, sending back to china will be again a trouble.
Well have to pay vat as it is to be imported officially and not 'ahem ahem'.

And as for the warranty, we are still trying to allow them - eaget - to allow it to be repaired locally.
Looks like the mini is not yet ready for the BT download option. No one at the Acryan forum came to help. May have to wait for a few more firmware updates for torrent d/lding.

May be you can have word with Dheeraj

I will stick to WDTV Live, will start GO soon if get good price.
Praks said:
I will stick to WDTV Live, will start GO soon if get good price.

what is the price u have currently got in mumbai. i got a price of 8k at lamington road. with warranty. not sure if its the correct price or if it should be less.
Got Quote for 6500 for WDTV Live,

Bargaining WDTV Live for 6000 INR (transfer US warranty to India once you receive) - anyways WDTV Live has no moving parts so very less chance of something going wrong unless u throw it.
Praks said:
Got Quote for 6500 for WDTV Live,

Bargaining WDTV Live for 6000 INR (transfer US warranty to India once you receive) - anyways WDTV Live has no moving parts so very less chance of something going wrong unless u throw it.
where did you get that quote from? is it currently available & in stock at that price here in mumbai?
^^ from one of my source who deals with electronics at Bangalore.

Sorry, No idea on Mumbai, if he agrees for 6000 Rs will place an order.
ripper said:
Looks like the mini is not yet ready for the BT download option. No one at the Acryan forum came to help. May have to wait for a few more firmware updates for torrent d/lding.
it seems there are a couple of issues that need to be ironed out... hang on tight... its just around the corner.
Praks said:
^^ from one of my source who deals with electronics at Bangalore.

Sorry, No idea on Mumbai, if he agrees for 6000 Rs will place an order.
6k is a good price for the wdtv live with warranty
Still confirming on Warranty part.

Damn, each customer care rap is giving diff answers. One said you can transfer warranty from US to India & one says you cant.

can any one confirm if WD US warranty can be transferred to India (Like Dell)
the ac ryan is available in mumbai with aqtronics. got their number from ranga.

should get it tomorrow. 7700rs all inclusive. ac ryan play on hd mini.
^ With indian warranty ? Seems like a nice price.
Also it would be really helpfull if you can post your initial impressions about this device. I am planning to get it by this month end so it would be really helpfull for me :)
apextwin146 said:
^ With indian warranty ? Seems like a nice price.

Also it would be really helpfull if you can post your initial impressions about this device. I am planning to get it by this month end so it would be really helpfull for me :)
yes its official with bill & warranty. i think ac ryan offer 2years warranty.

let me know what kind of doubts you have about the device. would be glad to clear them out.
^^How is the music playback on the PlayOn? I am thinking of getting the PlayOnHd for right now only Internet radio and later movies..
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