Which one you Vote, NVIDIA Or ATI Radeon

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All you gamers,.....around....
Its always been a conflict which co.is better......

NVIDIA is good in quality and have PhyX techno as an edge..,.....

But ATI is good in value to money....

So, finally you people vote, which co. and card is better or the best in your view...

Does the company actually matter unless your a fanboy CUDA/Physx seem to hardly help Nvidia's cause. Badaboom costs another 30$.

These gimmicks mean nothing just look at the best performance you can get in the price you want to spend.
Fanbois choose their favorite brands irrespective of the value add, forum advice and benchmarks whereas techies do exactly the opposite. This poll doesn't make sense if you see it that way.
A blank nVidia vs ATi poll like that makes sense only to a fanboi. You have not even specified what cards you want to compare. Both brands have their respective strengths and weaknesses and even those strength and weakness attributes tend to keep changing with every generation of cards and sometimes also change with what cards you are talking about. So what card I choose is purely based on what offers me the best performance and value for money at the moment.
Both make great cards and push the technology
everytime one tries to go ahead of the other in terms of their product

from recent memory
Nvidia - Geforce 8
ATi - 48** series

whats there to vote upon :bleh:

Whichever card offers the best value for me, I will buy it when i want to
An absolutely pointless post, in the wrong section. I think these moronic threads should be shifted to general section.

OP you should have another option, called any VFM card.
If you really want to discuss which is a better company then do that in general section please.

However if you want to discuss cards then do so in Graphic cards section. But for that make sure you have listed the cards you want to be compared.
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