Which pdf editor to buy

The developer openly engages on reddit and also mentioned in the past that he created it out of frustration. Did start accepting donations later. Beyond that, all you have to go on is trust.

So I installed and used it a while after blocking all the EXE files with the firewall. There are a couple of DLLs which, well -

Functionality is quite good for a free app. The deletes are permanent but the addition of new text is not as it appears to be in the form of Annotations / Comments, which can also edited/added/deleted by Adobe Reader. Otherwise its quite good for a freeware.
Most of the time, I use PDF Arranger, since 90% of my work is either appending pages, or reordering one or two of them. Pages to be appended can be made using some document editor and exported as another PDF or image. I use rnote if I want to write handwritten notes over a PDF, or Scribus for modifying PDF texts, resizing, adding or removing them. Seems to work for most of my use cases. All the applications noted are FOSS.
In case none of those work, I either request the source for a more workable document, or just give up. Do note that none of them support signing PDF documents (or more likely: I don't know how to).