Which programmimg to learn for a complete beginner ?

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PHP is a great language and plenty of work available if you gain proficiency in it. However advanced knowledge is required for any decent pay. Even for a 5lac job you are expected to know modern frameworks and be fluent in them. (cause its so popular, plenty of starters and freshers pick it.)
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Can you please elaborate a bit about this statement ?
JS and similar scripting languages have a lot of leeway since things are not strongly typed and open to interpretation. Every JS engine makes its own assumptions when code is not exactly as per spec. As a result a programmer who is fed only JS all his life is gonna spit out pretty poor code if asked to write something in any other language.
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Why it's a great language?
Its simple to learn and does perform give desired output as what asp.net or aspx or jsp and other gives.

php servers are easy to manage as what i have experience.
( personal view )

I found jsp a bit harder.

Asp.net is great but really limited to a windows server which are a bit expensive and limited resources as well...

Php is improving a lot this days and in the end its just a personal choice.

Best thing about php i found was the exact error place in the code file with easy read.

plus its more cleaner then other to implement along html and css.
I think one should be adaptable to all language though its hard to predict what would be ur major !
I've done C & C++ few years ago. Nowadays I'm about to finish HTML and then I'd be doing CSS & Javascript subsequently as suggested by friends. My target was to learn PHP and I was told that HTML, CSS & Javascript is a prerequisite. Am I heading towards right direction ?

Depends on what is the purpose of you wanting to learn programming

To make it simple

Programming languages can be classified as Object oriented and Procedural language.

Object Oriented
language involves calling of objects which is a collection of a bunch of functions and those functions may have sub functions to run a programme ,

Whereas Procedural Language is just calling a function directly without calling an object to perform an operation or a task in the programming language

Object Oriented Language
includes programming languages like C++, C#, Java.
You can learn these programmes to develop programmes for Windows Operating System

Languages like C, PHP, Pearl are examples of Procedural Language
Just plain C has also been used to develop programmes for Windows Operating System

Languages like C, C++, Perl, Python, PHP and more Ruby can be used to make programmes for Linux server

If you want to make programmes for mobile Learn Java, LUA and HTML/Javascript

If you want to learn Web Designing.

You will have to learn a combination of Browser Side Scripting , Server Side Scripting and Database Management

HTML, CSS ,Javascript ,Flash XML and Ajax are Browser Side Scripting Languages ie. Languages meant for what you want the user of your website to see when he opens the browser.

Server Side Scripting Languages like Php and Asp.net for which you need to know C#
is used to keep your website safe for security purposes from hackers . For example file transfer, data encryption etc.

You can learn Databases like MySql, SQL and Oracle which are used to store information of your users username and password , user account information etc

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your entire post is on spot though

On C has also been used to develop programmes for Windows Operating System

He is not entirely wrong; though yeah no one will really write a used mode application in C now days; it used to be the norm before MFC came and C++ picked. Still kernel drivers are mostly written in C.

Different languages have their own good and bad. Depending on what you want to do, choice will differ.

Check this paper:

It does a side by side comparison of languages to find which is faster. Given the field is a statistical model, the focus is on speed than whether it teaches you to write better programs (say no to garbage collection). And for that part C++ is the fastest. But then given the complexity it might not be everyone's cup of tea.
The note here is PHP doesn't even figure in the list. It is not that PHP is bad. Its just that it is not what the language is made for.

So think about what you want to do in future and plan accordingly.

PS: To savrom's post. These are called programming paradigms. There are not only Object Oriented (OOP) or Procedural. You also have declarative programming (SQL) and functional programming (HASKELL, LISP etc). But then that is a bridge too far for beginners to even worry about.
^remember... languages are just tools. They pay for your logic(aka problem soving) and your domain knowledge.
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Just to add a bit: it very much depends on why you are learning programming.

Is it for your own entertainment? Then pick a language like Python where you won't have to worry about things like pointers etc.
Otherwise, if you want it for professional development, then what kind or programming do you want to do? For server-side it would be good to learn PHP and SQL. For web-applications, HTML/JavaScript/CSS (and maybe PHP too). For high-performance applications, C/C++ (and others as well).

It's always good to learn a new language, but you should first master one and learn how to program effectively before you branch out.
I need a career advice from people smarter than me. Should i go for web designing or digital marketing as a career. what are job prospects of these courses and work life.
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