Which programming language?

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Hey guys, I am trying to have a program read/send SMS from a phone(k750i) thats connected through USB cable, using AT commands. The SMS that it recieves is then used as a search keyword to query something from a webserver, and returns the result as SMS. K750i supports only PDU mode(CMGF=0), so gotta convert back and forth from hexadecimal..

doubt 1: How should I query the web server(which is on LAN/or even maybe on the same system)? Telnet to port80 and then a simple HTTP GET? Or exchange XML payload/JSON data?
So what's the best language to code this in? Java? I've heard there are APIs readily available that can interact with COM ports. And how long will it take to code this for 2 people?
Are you using an existing search engine like google or something, or just querying a database? If its just a database, you could use VB. Wouldn't take a lotta time for that. Get data off of com port, query DB within VB and return.

If using web server, may VB again? Read one of these "make a web browser in VB" tuts. Query a existing search engine using your own pseudo browser, returns the get vars.

I have no clue what I'm talking about, just ideas.
no search engines, I am hosting some pages on my own(PHP+mysql) on apache. Maybe on the same system that reads from COM port or maybe an altogether different system on the LAN.
Go for Java IMO. You can use COM port connectivity in a servlet code. Another approach could be implementing a Client-Server model and querying the database directly.
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