Which vista 64 bit version for GAMING?

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Happy Singh

there r 4 version of vista..i want 2 no which ill b da best for GAMING i.e crysis,far cry 2,unreal tournament 3 n all....
Aman31 said:
more comments plz

First of all I dont see why Aman31 is crapping the forums by making 2 threads for same "comparison between 32 bit and 64bit vista"?


Grow up- do you always want mods to clean up that crap that you are doing and babysit you all the time? Take some responsibility. What's the point in creating 2 separate threads for the same motive? I hope you do know that the rules have been updated? Mods are giving newbies a learning curve but it seem that you people are taking advantage of it. Use proper english as it barely takes a second to type "please" rather than "plz". Its becoming a generic and a childish excuse that people are used to using sms language or its pretty understandable and if that's a case with you then its pretty strange because is a language which is literally hardwired to everyone's brains even if english is a second language. From a member to another members- follow the ways of the TE forums so that people can have a clear communication without any misunderstanding.


Coming back to the point, when i had my 2GB G skills, I ran a rough benchmark when I was using vista sp1 32 bit and to compare with vista sp1 64 bit.

The configuration when this screenshots were taken are as follows:

e7200 @ 3.53ghz stable OC.

2 GB skills

4870 1GB ddr5 palit sonic edition with ati catalyst 9.4 @ 4x AA, 8x AF, catalyst A.I. mode @ advanced with mipmap detail level @ quality.

Windows vista 32 bit sp1


Windows vista 64 bit sp1


To make things clear for people to prevent from anyone from spreading lies and rumours for their personal entertainment, the 64 bit drivers are working without any glitch or any BSOD. Certain 32 bit softwares like open office, BOINC manager, firefox, my netgear WG111 wifi adapter, G talk and media player classic are working flawlessly without any hiccups. The bootup didn't slow down comparing 32bit and 64 bit. The benchmark for 32bit is taken on a newly reinstalled 32bit vista sp1.
ya ok first of all i am not creating 2 separate threads for the same motive read it properly,

one is for difference between Windows xp 32 and 64 bit and the other one is for difference

between four version of Windows vista 64 for GAMING.....its all different...

and ya ok i agree you that i should not use sms language some people don't understand..i agree you sir....see i replay you in proper english,i am a new user i created my account a

along back but i reopened it after a long time...i didn't look for rules i know that my

mistake...i will read them and i will follow those rules only not the people says...and you

didn't comment much on the thread point of view i asked which version of vista 64 is good for GAMING,in your replay there is not word of any version of vista..ya thank you,

from your replay i gain more information about vista 32 and 64 bit but i am not getting

you r screen-shorts are of which version....but still i gain knowledge,thank you sir...
IMO if you're getting it through legit means get home premium otherwise just use ultimate. There is no difference in performance between versions in games unless you're low on ram (<2 gb)
I game on Vista x64 with SP2, and i have absolutely 0 complains .. i didn't jump on Vista coz i was aware the drivers were literally crappy at start, but i made the move after i verified that the stuff i had will not have any problem with Vista x64 .. and man am i happy ... the OS is far better than XP is every way i can think off .. even if i lose 10 fps in a game, it doesn't matter coz the overall experience is like a zillion times better than XP x86 .. so if u're precisely focused only on gaming, then yes XP x86 will perform better in most games, .. but if u're not on Vista x64 now, u'll never know why its better ...
While Vista is not the best choice for many things, and people don't necessarily like it... it will be the best (fastest) 64 bit gaming system for you as far as an OS that is fully released. Meaning that Windows 7 is most likely better but is still in RC phase so if you install it now, you may have to fully re-install it after legit full version has been released.
Well.... I've gamed on Vista 32-Bit, 64-Bit and Windows 7 32-Bit... The only game which showed some improvement in Vista 64-Bit was GTA4.. (And the improvement was quite substantial)... Otherwise Vista 32 worked fine for me.. (I have a legit copy of Home Premium... IMO, Ultimate has some pretty useless extras, which are not worth the extra dough).... Otherwise, if you are not afraid of experimenting a lil, try Windows 7 32-Bit... kicks Vista right where it hurts.. :)

^^ And make sure you upgrade to SP2 if you go for Vista.. :)
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