Which vista to go for?

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Hi I have just ordered ma new rig.I wanted to know which windows vista to go for premium/basic/ultimate?(or any other version :S )
Will vista run smoothly widout any lag on 2GB Ram?
First, answer to your ques. no 2 - YES, it will run smoothly on a system with 2GB RAM. But provided you have at least 128MB DirectX 9 compliant Video Card ( Which virtually every system has now)

Now to your choice of Vista - Try and avoid basic. You have a choice between Home Premium or Business. If you do not need Media Center, you could very well go for Vista Business too.
And lastly, if you have to moola, go for Ultimate.
Take a look at this guide for comparison - http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-vista/compare-editions/default.aspx
You don't need Ultimate. Its a waste of time with its extras(couple of games+Dreamscene and Bitlocker encryption thing)
roadrippersid said:
fro games and al better option is home premium....provided u hav a nice config...:)

errr...yes, home premium, but it ll have absolutely NO effect on games:bleh: Those will run fine on basic too ;)
roadrippersid said:
fro games and al better option is home premium....provided u hav a nice config...:)

Sir, would you like to provide any explanation as to why or how Home Premium gives a better gaming experience? All editions of Vista have DX10, and Home Premium has nothing special which enhances gaming performance.
First question : Are you buying a genuine copy ? If yes, then home premium

else anything except ultimate is a waste of download :S
rapt0r said:
First question : Are you buying a genuine copy ? If yes, then home premium
else anything except ultimate is a waste of download :S

my question :If not why ultimate watz wrong with premium :S
rapt0r said:
First question : Are you buying a genuine copy ? If yes, then home premium
else anything except ultimate is a waste of download :S

thanx for keeping it real bro....as honest it can get..:hap2:
i have ultimate since a year or more now. now i am on SP1 its kickass, very happy with it. AHEM version. sorry dont have 20000 to spend on a OS
Will we have any problems with the 64 bit version (drivers not available etc.) or does everyone use the 32 bit version (I'm assuming most of us here have rigs with 64 bit CPU's) ?
If you are buying a new rig, then most probably drivers for 64 bit edition Vista will surely be available.
Many people have started switching to 64 Bit Windows, and there will be no problems if even you do.
Most sites that I see (theitdepot, theitwares etc.) are only selling the 32 bit version of the Vista.
Is this 64 bit version not available in India? How can we get this and do we need to pay extra for this?
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